Monday, May 28, 2012


L&L is making the move into the 'epub' world
Some GREAT out of print material is now available at great prices
* Elmsley book for $19.95?

GREAT value.

I look forward to rebuilding alot of 'lost' material from years past (books lost / sold, etc)

Impossibilia, Ultra Cervon (etc etc) .. my long lost babies will be mine once again.

The information available to the modern conjurer is staggering.
Only time will tell if this is a good thing.
I for one, feel lucky to have experienced the best of both worlds.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I'm convinced that mind-mapping is an important tool related to the study of magic

Mind Map:

Mind Maps come in many shapes/forms:
(I've used mind-mapping apps on the iphone... )
Was very happy to find several available for Google Drive (mentioned in my last post)

This app is very useful for the modern magi:
Researching / Building a Routine or Act
Constructing a Business Plan
Collaborating on an Idea with fellow magi
(etc etc etc)
(there are others, this is just one I've tried)

I'd like to put together a test of sorts & get some guys together to brainstorm a subject...
Stay tooned

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Google Drive

I've been a big fan of Google (and their google docs) since day one.

Just opened Google (docs) to get working on a new project and was immediately distracted by one of their newer creations: "Google Drive" (think "Cloud" with apps and stuff.)

So, yeah: Google is integrating their outstanding docs applications (and far more)  into this 'drive' and they're offering 5gb of free storage space to go with it (I think you can buy unlimited space for bout $3 a month)

I also ran across a bunch more 'apps' that work with this 'drive'


Consider me interested...

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Superb... SUPERB
TED Talk from a brilliant variety artist: Phillipe Petit

He's best known for his high wire acts.

"Why do you do this?  .... There is no Why"
Interested? Check out his GREAT documentary
"Man on a Wire"  (currently available on  streaming Netflix)
Sneek Peak:

Very inspirational

Monday, May 21, 2012


A modern master of close-up magic...

There are some wonderful moments in this clip (Alas: the opening balls & hat routine is not one of them... I never understood how/why he chose to work on this effect, but that's just me: I'm sure many would argue I'm wrong.) Highlights include his One coin 'flurry' @ round the 7minute mark ... the cig work & a wonderful performance of his balls over the head routine.

I had the chance to meet with Slydini back in the mid 80's at Cellini's convention (held in his 'Buskers' bar: wow what a weekend) His presence was commanding and his magic was strong (cept for that balls and box routine: but I digress)

"Keep up the magic and you will go far"  
                                                -Slydini-  (an autograph he penned to me @ that wonderful convention)

Sunday, May 20, 2012


The Essential Magic Conference  (an online/interactive event) is revving up for July
This, the 3rd, ECM looks to be as stellar as years past
with only a third of the speakers announced, I'm hooked
They had me at: Paul Harris and have already booked such notables as Chris Kenner, David Williamson, Bill Malone, Woody Aaragon, Eric Mead and more (I think they host 33 speakers over 3 days / 8 sessions)

Here's a preview page offering a nice look at the wide range of subject matter & the quality of the video/etc

Scroll around the site for more details
It really is a bargain @ $99 (that's the pre-sign-up special)
You get online access to all the sessions AND a set of (8) DVD's of everything captured during the event

I have NO interest in promoting this event.... just trying to get the good word out
and on that note, my job here is done.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

You Tube

In case you were wondering...

Just did some heavy editing to my You Tube channel

All the clips / tricks that are scheduled to be on the upcoming DVD(s) have been removed.

I'll be posting new stuff ASAP

stay tooned.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

DVDoin It

Well, after putting this off for over a decade
I'm shooting a dvd (or 3) this week(end)

As such, I'm gonna be a very busy boy
wouldn't expect to hear from me till Monday or Tuesday

Hoping you all have a productive weekend as well.

Cya in a few days,

Monday, May 7, 2012

Big Brother


This post has no entertainment value, nor intellectual content

This is simply a speed/camera ticket rant...
Nothing of importance to see here...
save your time & move along.

What? You're still reading?
Sheesh, Okay, but don't say I didn't tell ya so...

I guess it's official: I'm a menace to society
It's also official that Big Brother is watching... and he has no soul.

I just got another  (camera / mail issued)  'speeding' ticket: this one for going 26 mph. 26: sheesh. Yes, it was a school zone *note: school zones are normally 25mph round here **note: #2 it was shot during Emily's spring break. I remember seeing the camera flash (& Em was in the car with me; school zones were not on my mind.)

Yes, I can prolly go to court & fight it (& god willing a judge with common sense would understand the timing of the situ & throw it out. But doing that is a 3 - 5 hour ordeal...   I'd rather (bend over &)  take that time: go busk to make the money to pay the damn ticket.

Beware... the eye in the sky

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Me & My 160 assistants

Really jazzed to hit the cobblestones tonight

Will be doing cards & coins only (3 decks & 4 coins = 160 'assistants')

bringing the other 'stuff' just in case... but plan to leave the magi-crap in the box

regardless of how it goes, I'm one lucky Mofo to be heading to a job I reallly WANT to go to

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Looking forward to seeing David Stone's lecture this evening

Stone is an accomplished / professional who hails from France
He's travelling the country, this after being the guest of honor @ the FFFF event
... in short: this should be a killer lecture

dunno / curious who I'm talking about?


He produced one of of the best magic DVD's ever released
"The Real Secrets of Magic"


oh hell with it...

google him yourself is you wanna see more.

I'm gonna go practice producing a wine bottle
(Alexander gave me a "David Stone" winery bottle to gift to DS)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Don't hate the playa!

I'm out busking Bourbon St last night and this group of  4-5 'corporate' guys arrive @ my table...
Within the first 30 seconds (I was doing Dean Dill's "Call Shot") the 'leader' (there's always one) shouts:
"Fuck, I hate guys like you!" (*said with some humor & sarcasm... and a lil hint of truth.)

Sidenote: I have some thoughts about what I can do to avoid such future commentary... but that will wait for another post.

So, to make a long story short:
I amped the Jedi mind powers up to full force and managed to take these guys (and their preconceived notions) and whisk them into a world of wonderment that they didn't want to leave... They all tipped me a crap-ton of cash (non of the initial group tipped less than a $5... the leader tipped a $20 and a bunch of other folks who'd gathered to watch my offerings were generous as well.)

Anyway, this isn't about the $ (though a fat hat is nice ;)

After my set: This girl (I think her name was Mary Jane) comes up to me & says: "we don't have any cash... credit cards only... but here... enjoy this" :) It was "kind" (if you know what I mean.... and I think ya do.)

Moments like these make my job the best in the world...

PS / Note to self:
I said a line during the set, that I think is worth remembering (and have some thoughts towards a hat line that might be worthwhile as well.) Here tis: one of the guys said "man you are really great" and my reply was"well, thanks, I bet you're good at your job too!"  :)  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Egg Bag(s)

I've been toiling over this classic for awhile now

a trick with a bag & an egg...

actually: the trick is about a performer & a spectator (or two) but I digress.

Curious? here's a few interesting routines:

Arthur Trace
(this is a great / smart presentation)

Danny Tong
(classic, good, strong magic)

Jay Marshal
(The Dean teaching class... many lessons to be learned here)

Jason Wetherington
(Lessons learned and taking it to the next level... jeez I love this)

Tom Mullica
(a master who performs the effect to music :)

(this mediocre exhibition is a lesson on what not to do.)

(better than Nigel, but not by much)

OK, I'm entering the scary part of YouTube: Nuff for now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Idiot Servante

Found an interesting item in the clearance section of the automotive dept @ Walmart 
This 'over the seat' car 'organizer' looks to have the makings of a superb servant.
There are sections for cards, sharpies, water bottles, and side pockets for all kinds of goodies.

For $9 I couldn't pass it up... 
If you can't find the same deal I did... normal retail is under $30... might be worth looking into
(worst case scenario: you end up with a "behind the car seat / organizer!)

here's some pix of the thing, both out of the box & hanging on my table