Sunday, August 12, 2012

WWJD (What Would Juan Do) #1

We'll occasionally be returning to thoughts of Juan Tamariz
If you're not familiar with this man:
 uh... oh, never mind (ignorance is bliss)

Today's thought is from the Maestro's  Mnemonica
his wonderful book on memorized deck magic.

P.81 Mnemonica

Regarding Routined Divinations 

--- Quote ---

"A Tip
     My advice at this point would be to read no further, to throw this book away and to start practising, THINKING and working out your patter, subtleties and presentation for this miraculous routine.

A Lament
     I realize that, as I feared, you haen't paid any attention and are still reading.

--- End-Quote ---

*Juan has a great sense of humor... I doubt he was joking... I'll err on the side of caution and end this post here.

1 comment:

  1. There is so much fucking wisdom in that book that it's not even funny. Actually, most of the time it's very funny.
