I couldn't help but stop by (and buy a lil something in) every B&M magic shop.
Sadly, those were few and far between...
so, before I start this ramble, let me begin by saying:
Go buy your cards, your magazines, a new trick, your utility items.... yes, you might have to spend a buck or two more (is it more than shipping") It helps insure that shop will be there when you really need it one day (and you will...) There's also a good chance the shop owner or one of his/her customers can/will help you with a routine you've been working on. The pluses are immense.
Flashback:When I was a teen growing in the art of magic, I had my choice of three shops in Cinn Ohio (Venture 3, Haines House of Cards and Bill Brewe's Magic Emporium... of the 3 one remains) *It is worth mentioning that Artie Kidwell runs a shop in Covington KY across the river. http://www.artiesmagic.com/ Artie is a lifer, a pro... if you need something, he's a good guy to ask
It's really sad that the new generation of magi won't have the live hands on experience so many of us grew up with every week. I was lucky enough to work at several shops and even was part owner of one for a few years:(RIP Big Easy Magic.) Honorable mention to LaRock's Magic & Balloons (Mostly balloons these days) Ken Fletcher's Magic Masters (where Mike Abston and Greg Gibson taught me to demonstrate and SELL) and last but certainly not least: Warpo's Amazed and Amused (where I had the honor of being called manager, but I really felt I was just a big part of a happy family: Thanks Warpo!) I learned more about our art/performing/interacting and the inner workings while working those counters than any other form of magi-education available . Ah memories... (a crazy part of me wants to do it again.)
Reminds me of the joke: How do you make a million dollars running a magic shop?
Start with two million ;)
Ok, So anyway, while on tour...
Happily, I did run into a few GREAT shops and each shop I visited was fun experience. The two stand-outs were Big Guy's Magic in Pewaukee WI (yes, I was in WI) and the other was Max's magic shop in Albuquerque NM.
Here's some pics and links should you ever find yourself about / around
http://maxsmagicshop.com/ Max is a devious guy and has an incredible selection of original merchandise (some of which is online:his MACCAN and his Mental Killer are both top notch magic apps) His shop is also one of the most well rounded shops I've ever seen. Note: If you life in the area and are not taking part of his local membership 'club' offerings you're missing out on some serious bonuses (practice room, % off, Video, rehearsal space, etc etc etc) Plus: ya got Max there to help ya out! Wow. I wanna be there! Seriously, off all the places I visited, I miss Albuquerque the most... hmm I'm trying to keep the pix to a minimum: You're not seeing his intimate stage, his member practice room, the awesome scenery outside the joint, etc etc etc. Go to Albuquerque & visit Max's

Big guy is a GREAT big guy (key on great)
His shop is chock full of great magic and helpful service guys
Big also has an extra features room where parties, performances and lectures can happen.
and after youre done soaking in the scenery inside: go out and check out the lake view.
This wonderful / out of the way shop is a mini-miracle & the cast of misfits that run it are awesome!
Bruce Chadwick also has a WONDERFUL place in Ft Worth Texas (A great party room for a kids party and a warehouse full of major illusions) The WONDERFUL advantage to each of these spots was that they housed a theater environment for shows (or lectures) This gives everyone a chance to see our variety arts presented in style and grace (as opposed to a greasy garage or ... oh, nm) Bruce' focus is on 'bigger' prop magic and that's not my forte' but I found him (& Cindy) to be swell folks and look forward to the day my feet cross their threshold again. IF you get the chance, ya need to go visit (and spend some $$$) at "The Illusion Warehouse"
Bruce Chadwick's Collection:

this is a Bruce' Personal collection ( thanks for the peepshow Bruce!) His counter is plentiful and his party room is a great place for lectures and magic shows (his illusion workshop and work is amazing)
If you live in / near FT Worth and want a quality experience: go see Bruce
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Eric (& Kim) Olson's wonderful "Wizardz" theater in Kissimee FL where every Monday night, you get a chance to see some of the worlds best close-up magicians. I was happy to perform there in august and can't wait to return in January!

Wizardz in Kissimee: A Great Attraction: http://www.wizardzmagictheater.com/
Another place I wanted to see, but time was not permitting was George Robinson's "Viking Hachen" manufacturing in McAllen TX (George makes the Viking Line and now the Collectors workshop run and more) This is one of the oldest Magic Manufacturers in North America
Well, I was going to do a review of a few of the goodies I picked up on the road.
I think I've rambled enough for one post... we'll save the trick 'reviews' for the next blog.
Maybe tomorrow. Guess I Should mention: www.dougconn.com/shop/
You could come buy my house and by stuff... but, it's kinda dirty. I'm too busy blogging and practicing card tricks I"ll never use. Email me if ya need help.
Note, I sent out a newsletter yesterday and I've yet to hear from the winners. Check your inbox.
Mom is in town and my first grandchild is due any day, I'm bound to be busy this week, but will post ASAP. Till then.. Conn / gone.
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