Friday, August 31, 2012


Congrats to Vanishing Inc on the release of "The Cooler"

This trailer is great, love the Harris cameo
This thing is too cool for school...
and I probably shouldn't even be talking about it.
So, uh, I guess I'll quit typing now.
you're welcome

D+M (-d?)

IMO: Daniel Madison is a certified badass. Some of you will disagree with that opinion. Like a tree falling in a forest... Let's leave it that way.

If you like card magic & have a few minutes to spare. I suggest a visit here:


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The original masked magi

Before there was Valentino...
There was:

Yes, I have reasons for posting this (it's comedic value may or may not be one of those reasons ;)

Thanks Mr Kaufman

Monday, August 27, 2012

I & Issac

Will be a lil busy the next day or two ... On the anniversary of Katrina no less. Whee.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tumbling trhough old blogs

I've had a few blogs in my day...
The one before this was a Tumblr blog. I like Tumblr. Heck, I still like it... the simplicity is superb. But, I wanted a few extra options (and have faith in anything Google supports) so, I upgraded to Blogger.

So, anyway, today's suggested reading will be:

I was reminded of this ^^ blog when I got news that Greg Eanes will be at the TriCCC's covention (helping/hosting us close-up geeks)  I recalled I'd posted a few  words bout Greg on that ole blog and thought you might wanna peek. This news of Eanes presence makes me extra double super excited to attend the TriCCC event. I have great memories of Greg and in addition to all the other wonderful talent, I look forward to revisiting this blast from the past.

Oh, BTW, I found Greg has a blog of his own:
sporadically updated , but there none-the-less. A looksee might give you a glimpse into his mindseye.

Now, pardon me, while I go work on a lecture promo page (that's about 3 months overdue (sorry Nate!)) I've never been one to do proper self promotion... and this forward momentum is really cramping my style... would MUCH rather be using my OCD/ADD to advance our artform.... but that white cat chasing that grey dog is gonna... boy I'd love a hamburger.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Pre Hype... Hype

"Built To Last" is coming soon
Preorders will be (very) limited
And (should) go on sale Monday
Keep your eyes on


Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Today's public service announcement is about mobile gaming

I've been a gamer since the 1 stick, 1 button Atari 2600) trust me when i (somewhat sadly say) I'm qualified to speak on the subject and today will be doing just that...

Todays game topic at hand:
Field-runners (1 &/or 2)
This game is (for me and many , many others) the best iPhone game extant. (*I think they have droid versions now.) If you're the least bit interested in playing games on your phone ... This is the shizat ya want.

So, what does this have to do with magic?

I find the tactile movements help keep my digits limber, while the mental problem solving, shifts the grey matter into high gear (lol, yeah thats the horse cock you tell your GF why you play on your phone so damn much!)

You want this!

Honorable Mention goes to The Walking Dead game which really does a great job of bringing the show (in game form) into your phone. It's like playing an animated RPG comic. Groundbreaking stuff (no surprise considering the source)

Aight, I'm sure I've wandered way off course for those of you expecting something magic related... Just felt like sharing something diff.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jimmy Talksalot

Congrats to my best bud of many (many) moons who ventured to Germany for a buskers (magic) convention. He bagged a 2nd place trophy (Bout the best us Yanks could hope for :) WTG James. Great stuff.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

WWJD (What Would Juan Do) #1

We'll occasionally be returning to thoughts of Juan Tamariz
If you're not familiar with this man:
 uh... oh, never mind (ignorance is bliss)

Today's thought is from the Maestro's  Mnemonica
his wonderful book on memorized deck magic.

P.81 Mnemonica

Regarding Routined Divinations 

--- Quote ---

"A Tip
     My advice at this point would be to read no further, to throw this book away and to start practising, THINKING and working out your patter, subtleties and presentation for this miraculous routine.

A Lament
     I realize that, as I feared, you haen't paid any attention and are still reading.

--- End-Quote ---

*Juan has a great sense of humor... I doubt he was joking... I'll err on the side of caution and end this post here.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Plunging Aronson

I started this blog for a few reasons...
One being to have a virtual notebook of the cool things I come across during my web surfing

Today's entry is an effect with the Aronson stack (I came across it while researching outjogged color changes.)
I haven't tried it yet (thats why we "note" things to return to...) but it looks like a fun animated effect. Here ya go:

Friday, August 10, 2012

Plumule Des Cartes

Officially added to my (8/21) bday wishlist (XL)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Monks Way

Steve Reynolds new DVD

coming Sept 1

If you like card magic
You'll want this

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

By Proxy

I've toyed with the notion of jail breaking my precious (i4) many times. Well, leave it to a magician to push me thru the hoop.

Turns out jail breaking is
#1 legal & #2 very cool
Yes , it does void your warranty, but yo: Even if you screw it up (which I did) its ez nuff (15/20 min) to get right back to your old idevice setup. (Sheesh, really... I can't believe I didn't do this years ago)

Alan Rorrison is the magish who pushed me over the edge into the world of Cydia & it's toys.
*Alan is a very creative guy (you might be familiar with his "Smoke" thru Theory 11?)
He discovered a way to apply a wonderful system that puts a virtual limitless index in your iphone; And I'm VERY glad he did. I don't want to SAY too much...

Heres a linky with all the ads & stuff:

It's $15... Much more than your standard 2.99 magic app. Good. That's the way it should be. The possible miracles are priceless.

Alan's proxy PDF is 16 pages
About 1/2 of that is spent explaining how to set up the phone and then you get several effects that use the system
The majority of the effects are trite.
Of the magic described, I'd only consider doing one (Siricaan)
That alone would be worth the $ spent
But, boy oh boy... The untapped waters here are flowing through my brain like a tsunami. This is a tool with some serious power (*adding mnemonics is the next step for me: shhh)

Those who know me, know I'm a fan of magic apps (*the 3-4 good ones) and this "review" might be a bit lopsided because of that.
One of my favorite apps is Greg Rostami's iforce (which I've blabbered bout elsewhere on this blog... And which also should be (at least) $15 or more) I'll still be using Iforce for smaller ranges (simple / visual 2-8 objects) but when I need more (like an open index for 52 cards) "by proxy" will be the answer
... If iPhone magic doesn't suit you; fine with me , one less person using the tool makes the rest of us look more

Nuff for now, I got some tricks to create by proxy...