Friday, November 30, 2012


A Literary List

Was just going through some Amazon titles (that I would enjoy getting as gifts.)  While somewhat ashamed that i havent already purchased &/or read these, thought I'd share this list with you:

*Sticking with a few select Steimeyer tomes. I'm way behind on my history lessons & want to do some catching up

Hiding the Elephant

Howard Thurston bio

Chung ling Soo

Gonna KISSteienmeyer
All for now

Thursday, November 29, 2012


My brave mother, who took it upon herself to join me on a lecture tour through Michigan and Ohio (& then down here to new Orleans) is headed back to Cincinnati today (this, after 18 days on the road: Wow!)
I'll miss her ...
Flip side =I'll have A LOT more time to focus on magical things (& this blog, etc can get back to my version of normal)
Gonna take a friday off to chillax... and do a lot of nothing, then back to da mojo

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Are ya interested in some Connschwag (and / or up to date news on when/where I'll be doing stuff?)

If so, please Drop an email to:
Subject: Connie

I'll need your email addy & name
Plus any other info you wanna send (website, twitter, FB, etc)

I'm sending out a note tonight which will include the following e-books
"The Marriage Notes" & "Connfidential 2.0"

The mail goes out tonight (fingers crossed) Act today! (or ask nicely tomorrow ;)


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tora! Tora!

What I hate about magic
summed up in 23 seconds

Sheesh, I hope this guy doesn't impale me with his feather stick for saying so.

Anyway... it's Thanksgiving and I really should be spending time doing something besides mocking my art (and/or craft)

I'll just say: I'm thankful for card tricks (and Wong coins :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

back and forward

Well, I'm back in NOLA. Wow, what a week! (plus) Over 2700 miles on the Cruiser in under 9 days. I started with a series of lectures:
5 lectures in 5 days (the first being in Indianapolis,  800 miles away!)
Then: Columbus, Royal Oak (Detroit) Lansing & Flint. Wow

I had the wonderful joy of bringing my mother with me to many of these events and I must say: I couldn't ask for a better road trip buddy :) Thanks ma!

I started typing a brief paragraph about the wonderful magi/men in each of these cities, but shortly realized this post would end up being novelesque (So, I deleted that effort.)  To make a long story short: EVERY town was FILLED with GREAT guys who exhibited the highest hospitality (even when my skills were falling short.) Yeah, I wasn't perfect. (I don't even think I was that good. But, I learned... I learned a lot.
And the next lectures will be better (and so on and so on!)) I thank everyone who attended and put up with my shenannigans... much of it was good (but some of it was not.) If anything, this tour was a test... a test of whether I was interested in doing this more than once. And the answer is yes. I'd like to give it another go. Where? dunno... somebody tempt me! (as I type it's NOV. which means, I'm staying south for couple months. Sheesh, I arrived in Detroit to watch snow fall on my head (and into my mouth :) I'd like to stay south for the winter and north for the summer.

Aight, so, I got lots of work to do and will get started immediately (well, ok, maybe after I'm done playing with my new Wong triple double faced coin set :) I picked the coveted trio at the Detroit Motor City Close-up Con where I had a great time performing for the attendees.

Oh, speaking of the Motor City Con:
After 3 days/2(long)nights of conventionalizing, it was back to Columbus to broadcast a Penguin LIVE lecture live to the interewebs...
The Penguin Live Lectue was well.. ugh... it was cack. (IMO)
I scrambled to get there on time (leaving Detroit blurry eyed from lack of sleep due to sessioniong) and scrambled in an effort to do a unique set-list (that wasn't the lecture I'd been doing.) To make a long story short; I wasn't prepared. BIG NO-NO in show-biz.

I've offered the fine folks at Penguin (incredibly hospitable hosts) a 'make-up' event of some sort... something that, once I get my shit together, I can give to the masses in some shape or form. I have to... I know I didn't do my best, I know I didn't respresent what/who Doug Conn REALLY is and I'd like a mulligan (thanks for the term Nate! & hey / yo: Write that book!)

I can't wait to get on the road again and will be bringing a strong event out each time I do so...


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

We're #1

It's hard to climb the rungs at Penquin magic & even harder to stay there
I'm happy to report we've done just that. BTL debuted @ #5 and has been #1 the last cpl days. Wow.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Having a great time on the Road
Indy was awesome , great to finally meet Caleb Wiles. Columbus was super sweet hanging with Aaron Deling and crew... Including ueber host Dr Tim who has some amazing memorabilia. Pictured below is some Robert Houdin , Houdini and other wowsers.
In Royal Oaks MI as I type.
Nuther lecture this eve.
Non stop in Connville these days (hard way to make an easy living as they say) Back to it...

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Lecturing in Indianapolis today!

My first "on the road / club" lecture in 10ish years (wow, I'm getting old... Good thing I'm "Built to last!")

Aight, it starts in 5 hours and I still don't have a todo list.
Guess I better get started...
I'll be something from here:

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I love memory work

It's practical for real world (grocery lists, names, faces, phone numbers, etc.) and is invaluable for the variety performer: magician / mentalist, etc.

Well, this a.m. my inbox included an email from the You-tube peeps that suggested the link below... and I'm gonna pass on their suggestion for me to you (right? right!)
This is the "Grey Matter" list of memory videos: a superb resource

The first video is on "How to Memorize a Speech"
Hmmm.... how would that be helpful?

Take a look (or don't and continue your inferior life! bwwwhhahhahaaaaa)

I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again: Grey Matters is one of my favourite places on the web and methinks you should visit it often:  (set aside a couple hours to get lost in the interewebs of info!)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

50 free things to do in NOLA

50 FREE things to do in New Orleans:

#1 Jackson Square!  quote "It's Magic"
This video link below is from that page. Please watch this clip (click below or when on the page above, click on the pic of the gold man mime)

You can also peruse the pictures they've posted of the square that include buskers doing their thing (AKA: providing art & SOUL to this unique town)

Why do I mention these wonderful things?

Well... While the tourism bureau sees fit to lure people with promise of a good time in Jackson Square (including Street Entertainers) it looks like someone has an issue with the buskers. 

My opinion: someone (who knows someone) has personal issues with the entertainers that occupy the square.  I'm gonna zip my lip, cause I'm just guestimating about who and/or what that could be.

FACT: There has been some recent displacement / harassment and it looks like we could the city is gearing up to clean house on the square. Below is a hack cut/paste job (this is the last thing I have time for right now, but I can't sit aside and do nothing) so, I'm doing this for now... Here's the proposed ordinance change.

prop ordinance 1: ORDINANCE
CITY HALL: November 1 , 2012
AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section 110-122 of the Code of the City of New Orleans to provide that only between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. shall “A” and “B” permit holders possess the exclusive right to erect easels, tables, chairs or similar furniture in the Jackson Square artist setup area and in the Vicinity of Jackson Square; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
SECTION 1. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS HEREBY 1 ORDAINS, That Section 110-122 of the Code of the City of New Orleans is hereby amended and 2 reordained to read as follows: 3
“Sec. 110-122 – Permits Required 4
a) Every person who shall desire to use the public streets, sidewalks or public places or 5
private places of business establishments for the conduct of any of the businesses or 6 callings hereinafter set forth shall first apply to and obtain from the department of 7 finance a permit. Such permit shall in each instance state the occasion for which it is 8 issued and the date upon which it will expire and shall be in addition to any other tax 9 or license to which permittee may be liable. Except as otherwise provided, annual 10 permits expire on December 31. Such permits, however are not valid within the 11 central business district area bounded by the river on the east, Claiborne Avenue on 12 the west, Esplanade Avenue on the north and Howard Avenue on the south, except as 13 provided in section 110-131. 14
b) Only persons holding "A" permits may place easels, tables, chairs or similar furniture 15 within the Jackson Square artist setup area (as defined in Section 110-121) between 16 the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Only persons holding "A" permits or "B" 17 permits may place easels, tables, chairs or similar furniture in the Vicinity of Jackson 18
Square (as defined in Section 110-121) between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 19
The New Orleans Police Department shall order 20 any person or persons in
violation of this section to immediately vacate the area. If such person or persons 21
fail to obey this order, any person or persons upon conviction of a violation of this 22
provision shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500.00 and/or impris23 onment
up to six (6) months. 24
This Section shall not apply to temporary activities approved by Mayoral Executive Order or 25 City Council Resolution” 26
* * * 27
SECTION 2. If this ordinance, or any portion thereof, is held to be invalid by a court of 1 competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect those portions of this ordinance that may 2 be given effect without the invalid portion or portions thereof. 3
DELIVERED TO THE MAYOR ON ______________________________
DISAPPROVED: ____________________
RETURNED BY THE MAYOR ON _____________________ AT ____________________

Friday, November 2, 2012


Today's post is a pro-tip
*The kind of information you'll wanna put in your mental catalogue

Q: What do you do when you drop a prop?

A: Ya pick it up! 

So, No, it's not a trick question or a joke.
We can look at the details of this moment and how to handle it proper and professionally. Consider the following... here's what not to do:

Do not bend at the waist with the top of your head pointed at the audience as you reach downward drawing even move attention to the fault.

To handle the situation elegantly:
  • Step with your dominant foot directly behind the object
  • Bend at the knees and reach in front of your foot, where you'll find the dropped object (without ever losing the attention of your audience.)
  • Maintain eye contact with the audience as you continue pattering.
  • Pick the thing up and continue on...
Granted: a situation where you drop an entire deck of cards or something more dismal will require a different approach... How would you handle that?
I have an idea. I'll leave it, to you, to figure out what's right for YOU!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I spend lots of my free time goofin around the virtual buttons on my iPhone (yea, I'm an appoholic)

I often recommend apps that I like (&/or things that may be helpful to fellow magi) and that's what I'm doing today.

The app du jour is
"Weird But True"
from National Geographic:

Methinks the open minded magi will find lots of useful info, that can be used as a launching pad for presentations.
Or... ya can just learn some weird stuff.
It's presented in a fun visual style.
Here look: