Tools and Websites for memorized deck work Nick Pudar's amazing program
be sure to read about it (*download the user guide)
Nick's work is a incredible. The fact he gives it away: even more so!
Join/Read his "Musings" blog for some extra great info.
One of my all time fave "blogs" is Grey Matters
Above is one of this pages regarding the Memorized pack
Vincent Hedan is a mem-master
On this page of his Blog:
Vincent offers an online tool-tip on how-to memorize, a stack.
His blog offers lots more: Be sure to check the sidebar for some interesting info/effects
Simon Aronson is the godfather of Memdeck magic
His site has some invaluable readings and some GREAT effects using his stack, etc (read it ALL!)
If you've chosen the Aronson stack, you'll want to study the work of Eric Richardson
He's put more effort into composing effects for the above than anyone else I know of
Want to get into/out of New Deck Order? TOUR the site below:
There's more... I just have Aronson on the brain today and those are a few sites I had open this a.m.
As Always, I hope you find some of these useful
all for now, lots to work on today...
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Happier Amp?
Just saw this in Walmart
Interesting ...
Mic in
Only $129
Worth a look maybe?
Input anyone?
Friday, October 25, 2013
New Tricks
Ok, so, I've been slacking a bit the last couple days...
If my life was on "Press Your Luck" these days, I'd be getting all Whammies.
My Car is dead... likely a timing belt ($1000ish)
I'm having trouble inside the house (I don't like to get personal on here, but it sucks: not just inside: but even the neighbors are being rude)
and last but not least, I lost a good friend two days ago: Earl Guidry... A diving buddy who passed on the job / accident (to make it double sad, my daughters boyfriend is the guy who had to pull him out & try to save him.) Geez, they say things come in threes... I hope that it.
There's other "tiny" crap, but that's the main stuff... "This too Shall pass eh?"
The wonderful news is: my beautiful grandaugther gets moreso each day.
The Doc has given her a perfect bill of health and her mommy Kaitlyn (my wonderful daughter) is doing a great job.
Meanwhile magic goes on.
Thought I'd take a second and mention a couple goodies that I've seen this week.
I'm gonna send all the traffic towards
Josh and Andi have always been great guys to me IMO: to the magic community.
Geez, check out their free magic downloads: You could literally make a living doing just the magic they give a away on those pages. The "Magic in the Mind" and "Under / Over" books in particular are amazing freebies that everyone should have... ok so, onto the good stuff:
Tricks of the week =
Unwritten: wow when you talk about visual magic, it doesn't get any more visual that this.
I won't spoil it, just watch the demo:
And then for stage or parlor guys, there's this gem. Cue the Magic
It's awesome... it's also a couple hundred bucks. Good.
I love the cue card idea... I have sense Steinmeyer introuduced "Cue Card Mentalism" in his Genii Colum... but his effect is off the chain. I. Want. One! (Iactually I wan't two...I'll need a back up)
Okay, that's all for now
Didn't really wanna even write at all, but figure I need to get back to some 'normalcy' LOLOL
If my life was on "Press Your Luck" these days, I'd be getting all Whammies.
My Car is dead... likely a timing belt ($1000ish)
I'm having trouble inside the house (I don't like to get personal on here, but it sucks: not just inside: but even the neighbors are being rude)
and last but not least, I lost a good friend two days ago: Earl Guidry... A diving buddy who passed on the job / accident (to make it double sad, my daughters boyfriend is the guy who had to pull him out & try to save him.) Geez, they say things come in threes... I hope that it.
There's other "tiny" crap, but that's the main stuff... "This too Shall pass eh?"
The wonderful news is: my beautiful grandaugther gets moreso each day.
The Doc has given her a perfect bill of health and her mommy Kaitlyn (my wonderful daughter) is doing a great job.
Meanwhile magic goes on.
Thought I'd take a second and mention a couple goodies that I've seen this week.
I'm gonna send all the traffic towards
Josh and Andi have always been great guys to me IMO: to the magic community.
Geez, check out their free magic downloads: You could literally make a living doing just the magic they give a away on those pages. The "Magic in the Mind" and "Under / Over" books in particular are amazing freebies that everyone should have... ok so, onto the good stuff:
Tricks of the week =
Unwritten: wow when you talk about visual magic, it doesn't get any more visual that this.
I won't spoil it, just watch the demo:
And then for stage or parlor guys, there's this gem. Cue the Magic
It's awesome... it's also a couple hundred bucks. Good.
I love the cue card idea... I have sense Steinmeyer introuduced "Cue Card Mentalism" in his Genii Colum... but his effect is off the chain. I. Want. One! (Iactually I wan't two...I'll need a back up)
Okay, that's all for now
Didn't really wanna even write at all, but figure I need to get back to some 'normalcy' LOLOL
Sunday, October 20, 2013
New Book (Title)
Working on a new book (every failure begins somewhere!)
Busking in the Corporate World : Magic - Outside in!
I've got a cpl dozen chapters laid out
I think I've got some valuable advice worth sharing
{**some really good conn-tent that I'm excited to share)
all I need are words.
wanna have it done by xmas (so I can sell an extra 3-4 copies)
so, I guess the phrase: coming soon
is valid
Busking in the Corporate World : Magic - Outside in!
I've got a cpl dozen chapters laid out
I think I've got some valuable advice worth sharing
{**some really good conn-tent that I'm excited to share)
all I need are words.
wanna have it done by xmas (so I can sell an extra 3-4 copies)
so, I guess the phrase: coming soon
is valid
Friday, October 18, 2013
I like tosh.o (Comedian with a web-short show on Comedy Central)
if you don't like it (he's a bit lewd)
or if you haven't seen him
you still might consider the clip below
it's a Halloween episode from 2011
and there is a moment @ 12:06 seconds in that is exceptionally hilarious
(and a few right before that... not to mention the payoff)
worth a lookeloo IMHO
enjoy (aside from the obnoxious web-commercials; but hey, at least the content is available)
I needed the laugh today
Thanks Tosh
Thursday, October 17, 2013
I'm devoting today's post to some of the most notorious tricksters in the history of the world
I received this in my email. I rarely push political agenda's of any sort, but this seems reasonable...
Ask a Congressman/woman to act like an american. Yeah, I can back that.
I hope you can too.
Inspired by Harry Anderson, I use a line in my act:
"It's not really happening, it's just an illusion... very similar to congress at work"
Gets a great laugh, I'm giving you all the right to use this joke, pass it on
anything (I suggest emailing the below to 20 people)
It's time for a change.
In three days, most people in The United States of America will have this message.
>>>>> This is one idea that really should be passed around
>>>>> *Congressional Reform Act of 2013
>>>>> 1. No Tenure / No Pension.
>>>>> A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office.
>>>>> 2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.
>>>>> All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.
>>>>> 3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.
>>>>> 4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
>>>>> 5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
>>>>> 6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
>>>>> 7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 12/31/13. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women.
>>>>> Congressmen/women made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.
>>>>> If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S. ) to receive the message. Don't you think it's time?
>>>>> If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete.
I received this in my email. I rarely push political agenda's of any sort, but this seems reasonable...
Ask a Congressman/woman to act like an american. Yeah, I can back that.
I hope you can too.
Inspired by Harry Anderson, I use a line in my act:
"It's not really happening, it's just an illusion... very similar to congress at work"
Gets a great laugh, I'm giving you all the right to use this joke, pass it on
anything (I suggest emailing the below to 20 people)
It's time for a change.
In three days, most people in The United States of America will have this message.
>>>>> This is one idea that really should be passed around
>>>>> *Congressional Reform Act of 2013
>>>>> 1. No Tenure / No Pension.
>>>>> A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office.
>>>>> 2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.
>>>>> All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.
>>>>> 3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.
>>>>> 4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
>>>>> 5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
>>>>> 6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
>>>>> 7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 12/31/13. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women.
>>>>> Congressmen/women made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.
>>>>> If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S. ) to receive the message. Don't you think it's time?
>>>>> If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
BeLIEve it or not
So, I just watched "BeLIEve" (2 episodes of 'season 1')
I was prepared to join the haters and was ready to be disappointed, but overall
I enjoyed Criss Angel's return to TV
this really is a GREAT website with some awesome content. Check it out if you missed the show... heck, check it out anyway.
There were two initial episodes:
#1 "Buried Alive" (which, while well done: was IMO was the weaker of the two)
#2 "Blind" in which (while blindfolded) Criss walks a high 'beam' with a 2 ft gap in the center of it.
Both had some great 'extra' magic scenes.... a good mix of close-up, platform, stage and also an 'inside' peep at some of the trouble we'll go through to fool folks (the moving room, unintentional blindness, etc.) I like the slick / brisk format.
I used to be upset at his use of TV as a medium to project effects that would not really be seen in the real world.. but the bottom line is: as long as he is able to suspend disbelief (at least for the moment) then, power to him for using the tools at his disposal (no different than a magician who always sits / laps or perhaps one who wears gimmicks / sleeves, etc.
Overall these effects that are 'too good to be true' (switching a mans legs with a womans legs?) are just that: too good ... too perfect if you will. In the words of uncle Ben "With great power comes great responsibility" and in the words of Walter White: "Tread Lightly"
alas: Criss still has a long way to go in his presentation (but that's easy for me to say: I haven't presented 100's (1000s?) of diff effects.. it's hard enough to do 10 well. I can't imagine learning 100's)
Fortunately, someone has figured out that they can fast forward through Criss' shortcomings and we can avoid that downtime & simultaneously we all get to see more magic. Win/win.
Nice to see Angel has surrounded himself with some good minds. Banacheck is one of the best in the biz, Malloy is an amazing creator... and the youngblood like Jesse (Fienberg?) and Krysten Lambert are being given a chance of a lifetime (and hopefully being paid well as they do so)
There's mention of a 'variety' touring show... it'll be interesting to see if/what becomes of that.
At the end of the day / week / month: no one else has stepped up to take the spot as "The Magician" (on tv... the 'one' america craves) and until someone does, we can rest in peace that Criss is doing as good a job that can be done (IMO)
I have a feeling that most magicians who watch him and/or read this will disagree and dislike him. If you're one of those people, I suggest you put yourself in his shoes and think if you could do better... and if you can: get on it... I'll await your appearance on Spike ;)
I'm guessing I've said too much already (most would rather spend time bashing Criss than pointing out his adequacies) I'll let others speak negatively: just want to offer some positive food for thought.
Well, she's here. Gracie arrived into the world @ 6pm last night.
A Beautiful girl @ perfect 7.1 lbs. Check it out: A pix is worth a 1000 words: here's two
Long story short:I'm Overwhelmed with joy & love.
Can't wait to hold my first granddaughter today... wow.
Happy to know baby Gracie has arrived healthy & surrounded by love. Kaitlyn Conn and Bryce Bailes will have plenty of support & care. Their transition into parenthood should flow quite smoothly. I couldn't be more happy for them.
I can't wait to see Mimi Angela Doyle "Aunt" Emily Conn (& co) as they hold & helps guide Grace through life... I'm extra happy that GREAT (and I do mean great!) grandma Arlene F. Siereveld (my ma) got to be here for this special occasion (and heh, her b-day is tomorrow!) Crazy busy, loving times. #feelingblessed
Here's a link to a short youtube clip of papa & babe right after the birth
Hello Gracie!
I'm sure there will be plenty more... I'll try to get back to focusing on magic soon... forgive me while I glow in the glory of the love of my first grandchild. It's a beautiful thing.
Time to get the day rolling an get over there to share some love!
I Hope everyone who's eyes cross this page feel (at least) 1/2 as blessed as I do today.
Life is good
A Beautiful girl @ perfect 7.1 lbs. Check it out: A pix is worth a 1000 words: here's two
Long story short:I'm Overwhelmed with joy & love.
Can't wait to hold my first granddaughter today... wow.
Happy to know baby Gracie has arrived healthy & surrounded by love. Kaitlyn Conn and Bryce Bailes will have plenty of support & care. Their transition into parenthood should flow quite smoothly. I couldn't be more happy for them.
I can't wait to see Mimi Angela Doyle "Aunt" Emily Conn (& co) as they hold & helps guide Grace through life... I'm extra happy that GREAT (and I do mean great!) grandma Arlene F. Siereveld (my ma) got to be here for this special occasion (and heh, her b-day is tomorrow!) Crazy busy, loving times. #feelingblessed
Here's a link to a short youtube clip of papa & babe right after the birth
Hello Gracie!
I'm sure there will be plenty more... I'll try to get back to focusing on magic soon... forgive me while I glow in the glory of the love of my first grandchild. It's a beautiful thing.
Time to get the day rolling an get over there to share some love!
I Hope everyone who's eyes cross this page feel (at least) 1/2 as blessed as I do today.
Life is good
Monday, October 14, 2013
To my local Brethren / Magi
If I miss our weekly gathering (again) I hope I'll be forgiven:
Today is the day I become a grandpa (sheesh, how time flies: It seems like just yesterday, I was bringing her home from the hospital in Lake Charles (while Mama healed from a C-section / infection: I got to play mr. mom alone for a week or so)
My daughter Kaitlyn (21 the pregger in pink) is having our first grand-child: Gracie
She's being induced this a.m.(10/13) and god willing things will go smooth and I'll be a grandpa sometime this afternoon... in the interim, I hope the locals with forgive me as I miss another soiree
Maybe next week fellas.
LOVE YOU KAITLYN! Good luck today & I'll see ya soon!
If I miss our weekly gathering (again) I hope I'll be forgiven:
Today is the day I become a grandpa (sheesh, how time flies: It seems like just yesterday, I was bringing her home from the hospital in Lake Charles (while Mama healed from a C-section / infection: I got to play mr. mom alone for a week or so)
My daughter Kaitlyn (21 the pregger in pink) is having our first grand-child: Gracie
She's being induced this a.m.(10/13) and god willing things will go smooth and I'll be a grandpa sometime this afternoon... in the interim, I hope the locals with forgive me as I miss another soiree
Maybe next week fellas.
LOVE YOU KAITLYN! Good luck today & I'll see ya soon!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Busking 2013
Started the fall season yesterday
I was sucky, but slowly got better
In a month or two I'll be up to speed (& sick of it all) heh... Nice to have lots of fires & many irons
Speaking of hotness... Heading out to swear off a few more pounds; all while making smiles with childlike wonder
SOUND right!?
COLOR me red ?
MOVEing towards the 1/4
Happy Sunday all!!
Goal; done by 3 & home watching Saints take down the Pats!
Tomorrow: grandpa day!
Friday, October 11, 2013
The 3 Gaffers
Ok, so eon's ago, this company approached me, asking if they could include my 'Pip Trip' effect in their first 'Black Tiger' (or whatever) gaffed deck. Being the nice guy I am (and knowing Brad needs all the help he can get in making his c__K bigger) I said yeah, sure, just make sure I get credit (**apparently I should have stipulated that was a one time deal and my mental property was not his to profit off over the next 4-5 gaffed decks he released... I swear, watching JM demo my effect using their inferior handling just irks the fuck outta me...ggrrrr) If you EVER agree to anything with this company, Please PLEASE get an iron clad notarized agreement.
So, now (via the samE company I gotta listen to DaniEl Madison ramble about how my effect (a motivated color change... a MOTIVATED color change) is 'cute' and diss it... and then he talks about how he hates gaffs: heh... as he goes onto promote a gaffed pack
So, DM' is 'working' with along with a couple other magi (who don't perform for a living) they all do good "cardistry" ... and apparently bad sleight of hand (at least that's the story Madison has bragged about when he got caught stealing in a card game)
I don't know wuzzup with Morrelli? He seems like a smart creative kid. I thought he'd made it to DC's creative team... I guess Dave stays rich by staying tight... that or things didn't workout? I'll take the 5th for now (and hope for the best)
Sidenote: I've got huge respect for Eric Jones, over the years I've watched him claw his way through the ranks with great purpose and honor: he's got great chops, great charisima and I know he can perform. Why he would choose to make a living shoving magic down peoples throats is beyond me (100 tricks a month? do we really need that many? no... we need 10... total) Magic is a performance art... and yes, it's also a 3rd world geek hack sales market (what do you wanna do?)
I suppose the apparent safety net a magic bubble offers is warm and cozy. And if the pushers are paying you enough... Well enjoy the ride (but please keep performing, because, when the well runs dry... and it will... one day, you might need to use your skills for the powers of good.)
Oh, I suppose I should mention: If you'd like to waste 7 minutes by watching these three guys spending some kids money in vegas (and dissing magic while flipping cards around) here's the place to see it:
No, you won't see any tricks... hmmm not even one?
I recall Eric talking about this a couple years ago and I'm sure there are gonna have some good ideas
but, no way in hell is Elllusionist ever getting another dime from me. They could have a lifelike vagina gaff and I still wouldn't buy it.
If you watch the clip above and decide that you have just seen an ad for a product you might want... then I might suggest leaving me alone... just a time saver for us both.
yeah, I'm ranty today.
it's for the powers of good
Okay, I'm done
and good luck DM
(geez, I used to think you were cool... as cool as the fonz I guess)
So, now (via the samE company I gotta listen to DaniEl Madison ramble about how my effect (a motivated color change... a MOTIVATED color change) is 'cute' and diss it... and then he talks about how he hates gaffs: heh... as he goes onto promote a gaffed pack
So, DM' is 'working' with along with a couple other magi (who don't perform for a living) they all do good "cardistry" ... and apparently bad sleight of hand (at least that's the story Madison has bragged about when he got caught stealing in a card game)
I don't know wuzzup with Morrelli? He seems like a smart creative kid. I thought he'd made it to DC's creative team... I guess Dave stays rich by staying tight... that or things didn't workout? I'll take the 5th for now (and hope for the best)
Sidenote: I've got huge respect for Eric Jones, over the years I've watched him claw his way through the ranks with great purpose and honor: he's got great chops, great charisima and I know he can perform. Why he would choose to make a living shoving magic down peoples throats is beyond me (100 tricks a month? do we really need that many? no... we need 10... total) Magic is a performance art... and yes, it's also a 3rd world geek hack sales market (what do you wanna do?)
I suppose the apparent safety net a magic bubble offers is warm and cozy. And if the pushers are paying you enough... Well enjoy the ride (but please keep performing, because, when the well runs dry... and it will... one day, you might need to use your skills for the powers of good.)
Oh, I suppose I should mention: If you'd like to waste 7 minutes by watching these three guys spending some kids money in vegas (and dissing magic while flipping cards around) here's the place to see it:
No, you won't see any tricks... hmmm not even one?
I recall Eric talking about this a couple years ago and I'm sure there are gonna have some good ideas
but, no way in hell is Elllusionist ever getting another dime from me. They could have a lifelike vagina gaff and I still wouldn't buy it.
If you watch the clip above and decide that you have just seen an ad for a product you might want... then I might suggest leaving me alone... just a time saver for us both.
yeah, I'm ranty today.
it's for the powers of good
Okay, I'm done
and good luck DM
(geez, I used to think you were cool... as cool as the fonz I guess)
brad Christian,
eric jones,
pip trip
Thursday, October 10, 2013
I’ve been wondering why I’ve seen such unique backed brands of USPC Co. Cards popping up in my local Walmart &/or Walgreens lately
Well , well, the floodgates have opened
If you haven’t visted their site lately... Check it out:
D&D , HOPC enjoy the getting while the getting is good... USPC just upped the ante.
I for one can vouch for the quality of these vanity packs.
I’ve been buying every one I see and I’ve yet to get a stinker in the bunch
I for one can vouch for the quality of these vanity packs.
I’ve been buying every one I see and I’ve yet to get a stinker in the bunch
Wow (drool)
Dozens (and dozens) of GREAT / interesting decks
(and at AFFORDABLE prices... Screw this $9 deck bs... 6 decks for $21 ! Yeah baby)
(and at AFFORDABLE prices... Screw this $9 deck bs... 6 decks for $21 ! Yeah baby)
Ok, well, I just found this out... so , I'm gonna go peruse the goods (and the fine print ;)
Happy shopping!
Playing Cards,
Vanity Deck,
Walmart Walgreens
Nice to be noticed by The Magic Scrapbook (a couple times in this past month ;)
If you haven't heard of this site, it's based in the UK & keeps their readers abreast of the latest news in the magi world
I suggest you Bookmark & Return often
Always an interesting looksee
cheers! Tnx fellas!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
New Toys... I mean... Magic!
As mentioned in my last post, I visited quite a few shops over the last month and in that time I managed to put a few new miracles into my bag of tricks.
I got some great utility items. A couple sets of cups and balls: I've been wanting a smaller set (I've been using Animal Babe's for the last couple years and now that he's out of biz, I figure it might be time to switch to something available.) I'm anxious to switch back to the vernon'esque routine which involves more audience interaction and will provide a bigger punch (all while the smaller cups allow for powerful loads at a smaller space-tag) The 2 sets I got were a #1 copper LeMagia set and #2 a smaller Chromed Paul Fox Style cup: I think these are made my magic makers, but I'm gonna pretend I don't know that. Let's just say the price was right ;)
Speaking of utilities: I also got a firewallet (with a zipper card/bill to/load) and a vernet boon. Last but certainly not least: a Josh Jay belt clip that will keep my pockets a bit more clear.
I didn't buy much in the way of new tricks (there rarely is much worth buying) but one that I did buy which I have no problem recommending is Alan Rorrison's Linkey. It is a well made prop that is really devious. I'm not sure why I need to link a rubber band onto a key, but when I do, I'm ready!
All in all, not a stinker in the bunch. I'm happy with all the above and if you were thinking of purchasing any of the above, I would highly recommend any of them. The prop I'm most excited about breaking in is the T-T-Tip boon. I can't wait to reveal those miracles!"
But for new trickies, the winner goes to LINKEY. Well done Mr. Rorrison!
I got some great utility items. A couple sets of cups and balls: I've been wanting a smaller set (I've been using Animal Babe's for the last couple years and now that he's out of biz, I figure it might be time to switch to something available.) I'm anxious to switch back to the vernon'esque routine which involves more audience interaction and will provide a bigger punch (all while the smaller cups allow for powerful loads at a smaller space-tag) The 2 sets I got were a #1 copper LeMagia set and #2 a smaller Chromed Paul Fox Style cup: I think these are made my magic makers, but I'm gonna pretend I don't know that. Let's just say the price was right ;)
Speaking of utilities: I also got a firewallet (with a zipper card/bill to/load) and a vernet boon. Last but certainly not least: a Josh Jay belt clip that will keep my pockets a bit more clear.
I didn't buy much in the way of new tricks (there rarely is much worth buying) but one that I did buy which I have no problem recommending is Alan Rorrison's Linkey. It is a well made prop that is really devious. I'm not sure why I need to link a rubber band onto a key, but when I do, I'm ready!
All in all, not a stinker in the bunch. I'm happy with all the above and if you were thinking of purchasing any of the above, I would highly recommend any of them. The prop I'm most excited about breaking in is the T-T-Tip boon. I can't wait to reveal those miracles!"
But for new trickies, the winner goes to LINKEY. Well done Mr. Rorrison!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Brick and Mortars / Magic Shops
While on my last lecture tour (4000 miles and then some)
I couldn't help but stop by (and buy a lil something in) every B&M magic shop.
Sadly, those were few and far between...
so, before I start this ramble, let me begin by saying:
Go buy your cards, your magazines, a new trick, your utility items.... yes, you might have to spend a buck or two more (is it more than shipping") It helps insure that shop will be there when you really need it one day (and you will...) There's also a good chance the shop owner or one of his/her customers can/will help you with a routine you've been working on. The pluses are immense.
Flashback:When I was a teen growing in the art of magic, I had my choice of three shops in Cinn Ohio (Venture 3, Haines House of Cards and Bill Brewe's Magic Emporium... of the 3 one remains) *It is worth mentioning that Artie Kidwell runs a shop in Covington KY across the river. Artie is a lifer, a pro... if you need something, he's a good guy to ask
It's really sad that the new generation of magi won't have the live hands on experience so many of us grew up with every week. I was lucky enough to work at several shops and even was part owner of one for a few years:(RIP Big Easy Magic.) Honorable mention to LaRock's Magic & Balloons (Mostly balloons these days) Ken Fletcher's Magic Masters (where Mike Abston and Greg Gibson taught me to demonstrate and SELL) and last but certainly not least: Warpo's Amazed and Amused (where I had the honor of being called manager, but I really felt I was just a big part of a happy family: Thanks Warpo!) I learned more about our art/performing/interacting and the inner workings while working those counters than any other form of magi-education available . Ah memories... (a crazy part of me wants to do it again.)
Reminds me of the joke: How do you make a million dollars running a magic shop?
Start with two million ;)
Ok, So anyway, while on tour...
Happily, I did run into a few GREAT shops and each shop I visited was fun experience. The two stand-outs were Big Guy's Magic in Pewaukee WI (yes, I was in WI) and the other was Max's magic shop in Albuquerque NM.
Here's some pics and links should you ever find yourself about / around Max is a devious guy and has an incredible selection of original merchandise (some of which is online:his MACCAN and his Mental Killer are both top notch magic apps) His shop is also one of the most well rounded shops I've ever seen. Note: If you life in the area and are not taking part of his local membership 'club' offerings you're missing out on some serious bonuses (practice room, % off, Video, rehearsal space, etc etc etc) Plus: ya got Max there to help ya out! Wow. I wanna be there! Seriously, off all the places I visited, I miss Albuquerque the most... hmm I'm trying to keep the pix to a minimum: You're not seeing his intimate stage, his member practice room, the awesome scenery outside the joint, etc etc etc. Go to Albuquerque & visit Max's

Big guy is a GREAT big guy (key on great)
His shop is chock full of great magic and helpful service guys
Big also has an extra features room where parties, performances and lectures can happen.
and after youre done soaking in the scenery inside: go out and check out the lake view.
This wonderful / out of the way shop is a mini-miracle & the cast of misfits that run it are awesome!
Bruce Chadwick also has a WONDERFUL place in Ft Worth Texas (A great party room for a kids party and a warehouse full of major illusions) The WONDERFUL advantage to each of these spots was that they housed a theater environment for shows (or lectures) This gives everyone a chance to see our variety arts presented in style and grace (as opposed to a greasy garage or ... oh, nm) Bruce' focus is on 'bigger' prop magic and that's not my forte' but I found him (& Cindy) to be swell folks and look forward to the day my feet cross their threshold again. IF you get the chance, ya need to go visit (and spend some $$$) at "The Illusion Warehouse"

Bruce Chadwick's Collection:

this is a Bruce' Personal collection ( thanks for the peepshow Bruce!) His counter is plentiful and his party room is a great place for lectures and magic shows (his illusion workshop and work is amazing)
If you live in / near FT Worth and want a quality experience: go see Bruce
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Eric (& Kim) Olson's wonderful "Wizardz" theater in Kissimee FL where every Monday night, you get a chance to see some of the worlds best close-up magicians. I was happy to perform there in august and can't wait to return in January!

Wizardz in Kissimee: A Great Attraction:
Another place I wanted to see, but time was not permitting was George Robinson's "Viking Hachen" manufacturing in McAllen TX (George makes the Viking Line and now the Collectors workshop run and more) This is one of the oldest Magic Manufacturers in North America
Well, I was going to do a review of a few of the goodies I picked up on the road.
I think I've rambled enough for one post... we'll save the trick 'reviews' for the next blog.
Maybe tomorrow. Guess I Should mention:
You could come buy my house and by stuff... but, it's kinda dirty. I'm too busy blogging and practicing card tricks I"ll never use. Email me if ya need help.
Note, I sent out a newsletter yesterday and I've yet to hear from the winners. Check your inbox.
Mom is in town and my first grandchild is due any day, I'm bound to be busy this week, but will post ASAP. Till then.. Conn / gone.
I couldn't help but stop by (and buy a lil something in) every B&M magic shop.
Sadly, those were few and far between...
so, before I start this ramble, let me begin by saying:
Go buy your cards, your magazines, a new trick, your utility items.... yes, you might have to spend a buck or two more (is it more than shipping") It helps insure that shop will be there when you really need it one day (and you will...) There's also a good chance the shop owner or one of his/her customers can/will help you with a routine you've been working on. The pluses are immense.
Flashback:When I was a teen growing in the art of magic, I had my choice of three shops in Cinn Ohio (Venture 3, Haines House of Cards and Bill Brewe's Magic Emporium... of the 3 one remains) *It is worth mentioning that Artie Kidwell runs a shop in Covington KY across the river. Artie is a lifer, a pro... if you need something, he's a good guy to ask
It's really sad that the new generation of magi won't have the live hands on experience so many of us grew up with every week. I was lucky enough to work at several shops and even was part owner of one for a few years:(RIP Big Easy Magic.) Honorable mention to LaRock's Magic & Balloons (Mostly balloons these days) Ken Fletcher's Magic Masters (where Mike Abston and Greg Gibson taught me to demonstrate and SELL) and last but certainly not least: Warpo's Amazed and Amused (where I had the honor of being called manager, but I really felt I was just a big part of a happy family: Thanks Warpo!) I learned more about our art/performing/interacting and the inner workings while working those counters than any other form of magi-education available . Ah memories... (a crazy part of me wants to do it again.)
Reminds me of the joke: How do you make a million dollars running a magic shop?
Start with two million ;)
Ok, So anyway, while on tour...
Happily, I did run into a few GREAT shops and each shop I visited was fun experience. The two stand-outs were Big Guy's Magic in Pewaukee WI (yes, I was in WI) and the other was Max's magic shop in Albuquerque NM.
Here's some pics and links should you ever find yourself about / around Max is a devious guy and has an incredible selection of original merchandise (some of which is online:his MACCAN and his Mental Killer are both top notch magic apps) His shop is also one of the most well rounded shops I've ever seen. Note: If you life in the area and are not taking part of his local membership 'club' offerings you're missing out on some serious bonuses (practice room, % off, Video, rehearsal space, etc etc etc) Plus: ya got Max there to help ya out! Wow. I wanna be there! Seriously, off all the places I visited, I miss Albuquerque the most... hmm I'm trying to keep the pix to a minimum: You're not seeing his intimate stage, his member practice room, the awesome scenery outside the joint, etc etc etc. Go to Albuquerque & visit Max's
Big guy is a GREAT big guy (key on great)
His shop is chock full of great magic and helpful service guys
Big also has an extra features room where parties, performances and lectures can happen.
and after youre done soaking in the scenery inside: go out and check out the lake view.
This wonderful / out of the way shop is a mini-miracle & the cast of misfits that run it are awesome!
Bruce Chadwick also has a WONDERFUL place in Ft Worth Texas (A great party room for a kids party and a warehouse full of major illusions) The WONDERFUL advantage to each of these spots was that they housed a theater environment for shows (or lectures) This gives everyone a chance to see our variety arts presented in style and grace (as opposed to a greasy garage or ... oh, nm) Bruce' focus is on 'bigger' prop magic and that's not my forte' but I found him (& Cindy) to be swell folks and look forward to the day my feet cross their threshold again. IF you get the chance, ya need to go visit (and spend some $$$) at "The Illusion Warehouse"
Bruce Chadwick's Collection:

this is a Bruce' Personal collection ( thanks for the peepshow Bruce!) His counter is plentiful and his party room is a great place for lectures and magic shows (his illusion workshop and work is amazing)
If you live in / near FT Worth and want a quality experience: go see Bruce
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Eric (& Kim) Olson's wonderful "Wizardz" theater in Kissimee FL where every Monday night, you get a chance to see some of the worlds best close-up magicians. I was happy to perform there in august and can't wait to return in January!

Wizardz in Kissimee: A Great Attraction:
Another place I wanted to see, but time was not permitting was George Robinson's "Viking Hachen" manufacturing in McAllen TX (George makes the Viking Line and now the Collectors workshop run and more) This is one of the oldest Magic Manufacturers in North America
Well, I was going to do a review of a few of the goodies I picked up on the road.
I think I've rambled enough for one post... we'll save the trick 'reviews' for the next blog.
Maybe tomorrow. Guess I Should mention:
You could come buy my house and by stuff... but, it's kinda dirty. I'm too busy blogging and practicing card tricks I"ll never use. Email me if ya need help.
Note, I sent out a newsletter yesterday and I've yet to hear from the winners. Check your inbox.
Mom is in town and my first grandchild is due any day, I'm bound to be busy this week, but will post ASAP. Till then.. Conn / gone.
Friday, October 4, 2013
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you this program:
Straight from the Rio Grande:
Enjoy! (& thanks to George Robinson who took time from his day to share the clip ;)
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Green Paisley Bikes
Found These at Walgreens today:
I was happy to discover white borders & matching jokers (& the cards are in GREAT shape and handle fantastic) alas there's a dull green border on each face and the court cards come across washed out.
I might use the jokers for something, but this pack is purty much going right to the "collectors" pile.
Overall; I'm happy to see Bicycle trying new things & putting those efforts out to public market. Thanks USPCC ... Now can you please make a deck I want to use!
Ok, blabber blabber.... Back to data entry. I have a contest to prepare for!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Makin a list
Checkin it twice...
Gonna find out who wins some sweet schwag!
All the names / emails I collected throughout the South/Mid/West lecture tour are being entered into my mailchimp account and three of these cards/names will be picked to win!
There are 3 separate giveaways w / $100 in prizes:
#1 a Connjuring / Magic lagniappe DVD package ($35 value)
#2 a "Pinky Swear"* DVD ($15 Value) Learn the Pinky count and pass & tricks with the combo
*a production
#3 a *"Built to Last" DVD ($50 Value) My lifes work on two disks: 3 1/2 hours of magic
*a (beautiful) production
The next mailing will go out to the entire list with the winners names
Just to insure everyone is a winner:
I'll be including a new vid clip & an underground / unpublished utility item
So; if ya haven't signed up...
Now is the time!
To join the krewe, there's a space at the right & / or the bottom of each page to sign up @
I'm publishing this blog today (Oct 1/13) at 5:30 pm and will be publishing the new elist tomorrow at this time. Winners will posted here, there ^ & everywhere (a random Hofzinser reference)
Ok, I'd say that's enough blabbering for one day! See ya tomorrow.
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