Friday, July 25, 2014


I've had a soft spot in my heart for card flourishes since childhood... perhaps learning things like the "Hot Shot Cut" (and a decade later: Chris Kenners "Sybll" ) from the printed page installed a respect for the craft at an early age... or perhaps my brain is just hardwired for the odd and unusual?
(the latter is more likely to be closer to the truth.)

If you're on the fence about flourishes, I suggest a look at  Daryl's thoughts in his "In Praise of the Lowly Flourish" essay. This can be found in "For Your Entertainment Pleasure" (Stephen Minch)

While I'm here: Open note to Daryl & or Stephen: In my opinion For Your Entertainment Pleasure & "Secrets of a Puerto Rican Gambler" are as important now as they were back in the 80's...  PLEASE REPRINT THEM!

but I digress...

Sub note 2.0" Alex Elmsley also published some interesting thoughts on the subject (these can be found in his "Collected Works"... again Minch ;) ... those who know me , know I put allot of value on just about EVERY thing Mr. Elmsley has published.

If you don't want to do the right thing and find/read/contemplate the thoughts of these giants, I think I can sum it up in a sentence:

"An audience should expect a professional to handle their props expertly"

(at the very least, they shouldn't be surprised if/when you do so.)

IMO: it makes total since that a performer who handles cards (or coins or balls or whatever) should be able to manipulate the objects extraordinarily. Sure, you must be careful not to overshadow the magic/effect with such displays, but as an interlude or when used to diffuse a hot moment, flourishes can be a wonderful tool (and as in the "Hot Shot Cut" & the "Snow Shoe Sandwich") used correctly flourished CAN also be used within a magical routine...

You cay no?
I say rules are meant to be broken
 Of course, this isn't the right approach for everyone,
but there is a place and a time for some of it, some of the time.

NOte, No, I still haven't seen a full / live performance of "Cardistry" that I think a paying  / viewing public would be interested in.... but I've seen LOTS of interesting web demos that interest me.

Here's one of them below (in fact, it was the inspiration for this post)
These young men perform with a smooth grace that brings a certain elegance to the flourishes

... the editing is sweet too.

Thanks Zach & Crew (Chase Duncan, Tobias Levin)

Good stuff

Monday, July 14, 2014


Book Mark Du Jour

"It's only the unwilling suspension of disbelief that is fascinating"
Say what?
Think about that... and then watch the interview below to enter the minds of Penn & Teller.

"Magic can be an intellectual art form because it has built-in irony" (Teller)

While watching some YouTube today, I ran across an amazing interview with P&T... a great discussion that gets real juicy at the 9:30 mark. Some of the best theory crafting I've given my time to contemplate.

 I'll be re-reviewing this for sure.

I could listen to Penn speak his mind ad-nausem on just about any subject
(and he has some interesting views on MANY topics) better than that... TELLER speaks!

This is a very interesting discussion from TAM 2012

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Reviewing the State of Magicrap

This appears to be a non-biased magic-video review site.
No crazy gimmicks and not related to the distribution / prostitution of our art.

I started to bookmark the site for my (never-ending) favorites list and as I contemplated that, I contemplated the lack of good magic I've seen reviewed lately. **I have seen magic get good reviews... but that doesn't mean it's good. It only means it's selling.

There's little I enjoy more in life than researching magic. From the first day I cracked a magic book (30+ years ago) to watching the latest Wizard Product review (last Wed.) I have enjoyed many many long days and late nights in pursuit of the elusive miracle.

I can confidently state: If you're looking for a new  effect or routine, I'm confident in stating the best bang for your buck will usually come from a book. Not only will book study provide the most value, it will inspire you to interpret the magic on your own. Unlike a DVD (or watching someone else perform an effect in a lecture or show) YOU get to choose what the magic will convey.

I digress...
I'm not preaching the perfect way to learn magic. That's not the purpose of this post.
So, why are we here today?

After watching the recent episodes of the aforementioned  Wizard Product Review , I reflected on the insane amount of magiCRAP that is being released these days. I thought it was getting bad 10 years ago when I owned a shop and the flood gates were wide open. For the most part, the last few decades have provided an amazing selection of valuable products for the magi-community. But now that all the great performers have released their material, we're left with teenagers and non-professionals pumping out products as fast as paypal can launder the money. I've heard rumors of the amount of new magic that major distributors carry. No less than 5-7 NEW products added EVERY week. Its unfathomable that any company can deal with this output (much less profit from it.) But... they do... and someone is supporting them (and by someone, I mean 1000's of magi-marks.) I understand what its like when the magibug bites: it's grip is fast and wide. It seems the desire to learn anything and everything is satiated only by the size of your wallet.

I'm guilty as anyone. Rarely does a week go by that I don't wish for the latest trick or doohickey. But I recently realized that was no longer the case. I don't think it has anything to do with my interest in our art, I think it's just a lack of good products. Sure, There's a gazillion things I'd like to have: I never did get a (Pure) smoke device & I'd still like to test drive "Soundz Amazing" (both from my wishlist last year) but nope: nothing lately.
Oh, btw, speaking of Soundz Amazing, here's the in depth review from Akirafist:
I'll be spending a good portion of my day, reviewing his reviews.

That's the bright-side of the current magic-meta. There are PLENTY of opinions to be heard. Turn on YouTube, check the Magi-cafe, ask Facebook, etc. Do yourself a favor: Weed out the chaff.

Alright, this post needs to end somewhere. I guess we'll wrap up here
#1: Buy More Books
#2: Buy Carefully
#3: Review the Reviews

and remember one of the golden rules:
The amateur magician does 100 tricks poorly. The professional does 10 tricks well.
*& the best magi do 5 tricks perfectly (my addendum)