Monday, August 18, 2014


The Conjuring Arts Center is running their sumner reading program again.

I mentioned this series last year & was gonna leave it at that, but their latest release is a MUST have.

if you're late to the party, better late than never ...

Week 7 of this summer's series features the classic (epic) "Expert Card Technique" 

... Nuff Said

Go, unplug that DVD player & give your brain some candy.

Open note of THANKS to all the fine folks at the CAC. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Page by Page

Stephen Page ( former front man for the  "Barenaked Ladies")  has long been one of my favorite male vocalists. If you're not sure who I'm talking about, do yourself a favor and youtube a tune or two: I suggest "Break Your Heart"  (there's LOTS more where that came from)

So anyway:...
His appearance at Toronto TedX delivers a wonderful look at creating and performing.

I think anyone who presents an art on stage for a live audience will find something to benefit from hie thoughts... if nothing else you get to hear Mr. Page sing a wonderful song

** the casual reader  might want to skip to minute 8:00 to get to the meat of the talk (but BNL fans will want to listen to the whole thing)


Tuesday, August 5, 2014


I learned about Marc Maron's wonderful WTF podcast a couple years ago and I've been a fan ever since (thanks Rich!) Maron  is a grizzled veteran of the comedy scene. His  insight to the entertainment industry  provides no holds barred interviews with random celebrities (and magicians)

Todays link du jour is the recent WTF  with the Amazing Johnathon. This NSFW interview  is: a no-holds barred look at AJ's career (and beyond.) Johnathon is going through some tough stuff and you might find this interview a bit dark, but looking beyond the words, you might find inspiration to persevere through your own tough times. If nothing else, once you start listening I can pretty much guarantee you won't be able to stop.

Below is the Nate Bargatze interview that got me hooked on the show. Nate is Stephen Bargatze' son & a prossional comedian who, among other things gives a hillarious look at what it was like growing up with a magician as a father.

I don't expect everyone will like Maron's style as much as I do, but those who do will find a must-have bookmark for their pod-player of choice.