Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Anniversary to my wonderful Angela!

Ok, so, We don't have any 'official' papers that say we're married (or joined by a god or court of law, etc.) but we celebrate every Oct 31 and have done so for 24, count em:  24 amazing years!


Now that is REAL magic!

Check out our beautiful family:

Kaitlyn Conn, Angela Doyle, Emily Conn, Me and Sydney Doyle
(yes, they're all mine :)

I've been blessed in life in many ways (my wonderful art, great friends a good dog...)
but nothing... NOTHING compares to the love of a wonderful (and purty) woman.

I love you Angela Doyle!
Happy Anniversary babe.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I'm taking a break today (after last nights megasession, my mind is mush)

I had thought about posting about 'details'

This was directly inspired by "Magic Bong's" thoughts on the Houdini / Erdnase change. I think his dissertation of this move displays the thought / detail you should be putting into EVERY sleight you perform. So, for today, instead of reading my babble, read this babble:

The same care and detail should go into your presentations, your props, your grooming (yeah, even that) Every second...
*sometimes even in-between the seconds

 Perfection is in the details ... look for yourself:

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tis the season

It begins...

It started last week with the arrival of Mick Stone and now we can add Bobby Maverick and Alexander Osbourne to the list

"The List" also includes mainstays like Warpo , Leonard & Wilsoni

Yup that's 6
When I toss my hat out there, it's 7...
There will be at least 10 before Mardi Gras (& that's just the magi!)

Musicians (many) Mimes(shh) Balloon ("artists") Jugglers(no comment) and more weirdness makes this town a loveable challenge.

I'm gonna drag my rig thru the cobblestones today... Might even do a show or 6.

God bless NOLA

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Consider this a public service announcement.
You can get a good / cool card shirt and for only $20

This, as opposed to Jacks & you must be Joking who charge $60....
$60 for a freekin TShirt?
Sure, I'd love one as a gift;  but no way am I paying that for a Tee!

I remember using Jerry's Nugget cards all the time... (way before they were $100 a pack) I didn't really care for them then and I don't care for the vanity card craze now.  But... if I did, I'd prolly pick up one of these sweet Nug shirts.
I do dig that blue... hmmm.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Magic Weak

Okay, so, it's National Magic Week!!!
I wonder if anyone other than magic geeks know this?

I'm not one to get excited or involved in any fill in the blank 'weeks' but, this one is close to my heart (and my livelihood; but more importantly, my heart / my soul.) So much so, that apparently, I had a rant in me... a rant that I guess I needed to put onto this virtual paper... 10 minutes later, I've scrolled up to warn you... leave now. Stop reading and continue on in your bliss.
As I think about this 'magic week' I think about the status  of our art form and how , in general, it is met with 'disdain' by Joe-Q-public. Okay, disdain might be the wrong word... maybe 'preconceived notions' is the term I'm looking for.

"Oh, you'd be great for my kids birthday"
"Oh, my uncle joe does magic"
"Oh I have a gun in the closet, would you like to shoot yourself in the face?"

As the 'extremists' come onto the scene (Angel, Blaine, Dynamo) we're moving somewhat in the right direction (but maybe too far in the left direction?) I know this: I'm sick of being keyholed as a 'magic clown' the instant someone hears I'm a magician... but I also don't want them thinking I can't speak properly and spend all day hanging by hooks and wires (is it that hard to find a good middle ground?)

BTW, if you'd like a good example of what I consider honourable / good magic, find a copy of the recent Steve Cohen magic special that was on the History Channel "Magic Decoded". Watch that. Steve & Co did a fantastic job of presenting our art with style and grace. I urge you to strive to do the same.

In related news" I was listening to a Jamy Swiss interview (on the always awesome Magic Newswire In this interview he talks about our responsibility... and... it's pretty simple: DO GOOD MAGIC.


So, if you're gonna participate in some sort of festivities this "magic week" ... Please, PLEASE don't be 'weak' DO GOOD MAGIC. It will be harder than average: You will have to commit extra time and energy to your magic / performance. Ultimately, you will benefit... your audience will benefit (heck, even I will benefit!)

Don't be 'weak' DO GOOD MAGIC! (and yo don't be a douchebag... I'm thinking of one person in particular; a person I've never met in person, so if I know you, chances are it's not you I'm talking bout.) Sadly ignorance is bliss and, as such, most douchebags won't/don't realise they are one. These folks need help. So, if/when you see one in action: please let them know bout their doucheyness. Our art attracts some of the worst forms of humanity.... fortunately, it also attracts some of the best. Please strive to be the latter. DO GOOD MAGIC! (and don't be a douche)

Btw, if you're curious, I'm committing 30 minutes of my time to do a charity show at local church function this weekend (hopefully, they'll let me remain an agnostic! ;)
I hope to do good magic and maybe change a few minds about what our art can be & Maybe I'll get lucky and book a birthday or two... ... ...
at a house with a gun in the closet!

Happy Magic Weak!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Huh? You don't know what this is? Well, it's a podcast.  

I've been awaiting this for awhile and their timing couldn't be better. The magic podcast 'scene' is lacking these days and just in the nick of time: Eric Johnson and Seuss Métivier have revived their "Magic On The Side"  (booyah!)

They've promised a regular show (every Sunday) and in the newest episode #25 , they hint at bigger things to come and I for one, can't wait to see what's happening. (I for one am just hoping they'll get to #26, but I digress.)

This labor of love is a welcome re-addition to my earbuds (or Aux input: *I'd much rather learn and grow while cruising round than listening to some auto-dj corporation BS.) Sadly, many of the normal Magi-Podcasts I usually listen too are falling off the radar. Thank god the MOTS guys are back! (Yes, you are needed!)

Guess I should mention... if you do listen and like their offerings: There's a support button on their website: Buy em a couple beers (or mix a six , etc.)  I also suggest you support their most awesome sponsor H&R Magic Books (one of, if not the best magic book sellers on the planet.) Regardless of whether or not you listen to this podcast, give H&R a look.

Al-right, this is starting to sound like an ad... (not my intention.)
Allow me to sign off by wishing Eric good luck with his new show:

We HEART Eric!

*And yo, Seuss: I for one, would LOVE to watch you perform (something / anything)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


FYI: Paper is slang for marked cards. 

Ok, so,
After toiling (and toiling...)

I've ultimately decided on Nick Pudar's marking system

Lemme rephrase that, I'll be using the Pudar system for my mem-deck work.

I mean, come on, if you're gonna go mem-stack; ya might as well mark the things and really knock the ball out of the park :)  

I  decided to use Nick's method for two reasons

#1: I can make it myself (and quick; in like 10-15 minutes.) This is key, because, when I work, I go through cards like Homer goes through Duff beer (I can't afford a couple $25 decks every time I work.) As a bonus: It works perfect with red bikes (my preferred performance brand)

#2: I can see the markings from a distance (of 4-6 feet away) Many of the effects I'll be doing require distance viewing and that just aint happening with the Lesely (or GT) methods.

I'm certain I've chosen the Pudar method because I'm a magical masochist (or is that sadist? whatever... I like all the weirdness life has to offer.) This is not the easiest method in the world. Nick Pudar has gone the Marlo route of using the stack # to indicate which card is what (Marlo would just mark the actual # on the back of the card) Nick takes this a step further and uses Binary coding to secretly convey this info.

Nick's marking methods can be found on the inter-webs. I'm not just gonna give it to ya. You're gonna have to search for it. I'm certain there's enough info in this post to put you on the right track (and if you ultimately fail in your search, then: email me & after I'm done humiliating your intelligence, I'll do what I can to help point you in the right direction.)

That's all for today... good luck in your quests.

One (related) PS: Nick has a great (free!) program called "Stackview"
It's a program that helps you learn your mem/stack deck (and stuff)
check it out:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My COiNN Purse

Introducing: RFA Productions "Real Man's Coin Wallet"

Thanks to a good buddy, I've been using one of these to tote around my "daily coins"  and I must say: I like it... I like it a lot.

It's much manlier than carrying around a clasp/purse (you have to worry bout such things here in the French Quarter.)

There's two separate compartments in the purse and it has a built in sneaky thing that hides extra coins (or gaffs) till ya need em. It's made from real leather and by real hands... the manly hands of Tony Miller @ RFA productions headquarters.

Here... click this: and you'll go right to the site where he'll do a much better job of pimping his wares than I.

I recently stumbled across another cool coin purse that is going on my wish list (also on my wish list is unlimited fundage to afford all these wonder toys.) This Ebay seller (linked below) has some real interesting options. For example... this:   or this :

I don't think I'd use bigger round things those for coins, but maybe some other props: thimbles, rubber bands, dice, etc.  We'll see. & I'll let ya know if/when I get one.

Aight, that's nuff for today. I'm gonna get off this PC and go get some sunny vitamin D (or whatever it is that big ball of gas delivers to your body.) I need some color on this pale skin. Why don't you do the same... I'll be on the Mississippi river Levee if anyone wants to come join me!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Magic Fridays
(now On Facebook!)

Jamie Grant has been doing magic reviews for awhile...

"Magic Friday" is the theme; he takes one "new" effect out into the real world and gives it a thorough test drive, followed by his honest review (viewer results, tips and more.)

Here's the old incarnation of the blog:
(man, there's a TON of great stuff there)

His new Facebook version is off the chain! Great stuff!

The old (excellent) version of the blog featured written reviews
The FB version has video reviews (and performances) of the routines.

Indeed: anything is possible
Great work Mr Grant!


OK, so, I'm going with this for now (pix below)

Questions? Comments?
Sheesh: where were ya last week when I posted the options on Facebook?

Too late now, I'm starting the transition

I'll likely be using the long one with a wand (as a line) beneath it. Like @ the top of this page;

The squarish one will be letterhead &/ biz card, etc

God this is a boring blog post.
I'll quit typing now

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Only 19.95

19.95 download
For a Rubber Band trick

I almost bought it when it said 9.95
But, then I saw the extra one :(


Ya know , in my day,
This is the kind of thing that would have been in a book (or maybe part of a series of tricks on a band-DVD)

I almost still bought it...
(cause I'm a sicko)
But something about the demo seems "off"

I understand when dealers need to edit these things to conceal Modus Operandi, but this just doesn't seem like that kind of trick

I'll be awaiting reviews...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

ALex Elmsley

His name will come up a lot in this blog

I have nothing but good things to say about Emsley. His magi / thinking / etc was beautiful and groundbreaking.

He was a true genius (& IMO an unsung inspiration to many)

I spent the evening Re-watching the Elmsley 'tahoe' DVDS (and getting brainspanked (again and again )
Uh: Yes, I've seen the (then VHS tapes) vids before ( didn't matter)
AND his two volume "collected works" is like my bible...
Best magic books ever (IMHO)

Despite my studies ; he smoked me: over and over (& now I have at least two routines going into the repertoire/list ;)

Sidenote: I remember Gary Plants (who was at that shoot) saying Elmsley shot most / all that stuff in one take... (at his elderly/age when that was filmed... That's VERY Impressive!)

What? You don't have the vids (or the books?) shame

Well... Here:
Check out this video on YouTube:

Or this:

Or... His STAGE stuff (yup, he did that too)

Just wanted to share a lil...
Hope u enjoyed

E.B.'s flow

(yes: "Hear" as in "listen")

"If it's really emotional,
They forget that it's make believe"

-Eric Bischoff-
Big Time Wrestling Promoter ;)

Bischoff "walks the talk."
*And his methods brought "sports entertainment" to its biggest audience ever (we're talking multi-millions of Monday night viewers)

Granted; I am a biased wrestling fan (I've been watching this crap... I mean craft, since the age of 10 (when I used to watch Bullet Bob Armstrong work the dirt covered floor of the Dothan AL Civic Center.bHeh: recently heard B-Bob still gets in the ring... At age 70!)

Alright , alright to the point!
I think Eric's Quote applies to magic...

Think about it
How can you make your magic more emotional?

Sybil cut? (akin to Armstrong's "Georgia Jaw Jacker"!) great move, but FAR less effective against a jobber in a meaningless match.

How bout a Personal Question?
Yea! Now, can ya smellllllllll what the Rock is Cookin? A question is akin to Vince McMahon arguing with Stone Cold Steve Austin ( followed by the obligatory "Stone Cold Stunner"!)

The moves and effects are good.
It's the emotion that makes it great.

We're lucky. Magic is interesting (& somewhat emotional with effect alone (watch Blaine perform... And don't criticize: it works) but...
"If you can you can make it really emotional, they'll forget that it's make believe"

Oh and plus wearing big flashy robes
That's good too!
That pic is me & Charles Robinson (head referee for WWE for a lonnnnnnnnnnng time) wearing Ric "The Nature Boy" Flair robe (& below that: Bischoff w/ Hogan... Making things "emotional)
* Lil known factoid *Charles is Scott Robinson's brother
** Lil known factoid #2 Max Maven (along with many other popular magi) are also wrasslin fans. Max' knowledge of pro wrestling is hardcore. ECW ECW ECW!

Oh & for the bros;

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I've liked Theory11 from day #1
(mainly cause Chris Kenner & Homer Liwag were part of the core (the "hardcore") artist group) Nowadays, while I still enjoy visiting the site regularly, It Kinda feels like one of those old school magic shops, where you poke your head in & see tons of magistuff everywhere & theres like, no clue whats good or what's shit...
On that note, I'm gonna make things worser & go browse the Wire...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Weekend Warriors!

I'm unplugging and getting the f outta dodge this weekend

Some other poor soul will be monitoring the house... the cats...
and I've instructed him to stay online 24/7 lest the computer thinks something has gone awry.

Yup. Time to get all "Paul Harris" like

I'll be back Monday...

You can look forward to a bunch of pix of my beautiful family surrounded by a commercial campground (unlike Harris, I prefer running water... and wi-fi)

This has been a wonderful halloween tradition (camp Jellystone Halloween weekend) and I couldn't be happier that all of our kids (and their boyfriends, etc) are making the trip with us.

Our clan now takes two cabins to fill...
I'll be in the one without the boyfriends
but... I will have an axe ;)

Love to all,
Happy Halloween family


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Can you smellllll what the Rock... is cookin?!?!!!"

Well, as I look back at what I just wrote...
I'm trying to think of what inspired me to write it...
and I'm drawing a blank. Writers block if you will.
Oh well.

This ramble is about a man named Jon Racherbaumer (Jon, if you're reading this, please forgive my poor use of the English langquage & punctuation & stuffs.) Yes I misspelled language on purpose... but the remainder of the misssspelllings are unententioal <-;)  Oh: I also overused the ampersand symbol (incorrectly) just to piss ya off ;) So, do me a fave, lax on the text and just try to get through the 'real work'

Jon's magical life began well before "At the Table"  but that was his first book  I'd read. Rock's "At the Table" was, borrowed from the shelves of LaRock's fun & Magic (Charlotte, NC) my first magic counter job.) I was much younger (18) and thought most of this overwritten craps was pipe dreams. My mistake... live & learn:  Years later, Rock would fool me with much of this material (at the table during our Monday sessions) Funny how life can show up and give ya a bitch slap to the brain :)

The first book he penned was a smaller work titled "Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields"
At some point he decided to lecture on this passion. of his. As he enters his 7th decade on the blue planet, he still travels the earth, sharing the work
(the real work?)

Ok... "onward" (one of Jon's favourite terms)
for better or worse (lots of both) there were the 'zines'

This is just a few examples (above / below) There's LOTS more where these came from :)  Hierophant, Olram File, Swipe, Marlophile and many more.
These mags often caused trouble and were the case of many a controversy.
Yet... Jon kept pumping out the work.

Here's another (obscure) one. My first published effort (Chameleon Sandwich) was seen in Modus Opernadi. This is issue # 7 which featured the (lil known) 'real work' on my Plastic Surgery handling (damn, I can't believe Rock had the ability to describe that monster!)

He's also appeared in many publications... here's one (a great pick & article)

Sidenote: Jon penned the Linking Ring's "Parade" section for over a decade (this is the International Brotherhood of Magician's Monthly Rag.)  The amount of material he penned within those pages alone is mind boggling. (FYI: I'm in August of 97 if anyone is interested :)

At the time of this blog-post (10/10/12) Jon is working for Genii magazine where his "On the Slant" Column delves into some of his 'other explorations' (it would serve you well to read his recommendations: I found Josh Foer's Moonwalking With Einstein through that column & it has become one of my favourite non-magic books (and also inspried me to attack mnemonics which lead to memorizing the aronson stack!)

As many of you know: Racherbaumer was very close to Ed Marlo. Here's one of my fave works of the duo. Many magi consider this to contain some of the Marlo's best. 

When cardicians speak of favourite Rock books, the one usually mentioned is:
I agree, it's a winner (as it's companion: Card Finesse 2)

My all time fave Rach-comilation (for lack of a better adjective) is:

Cardfixes has some amazing material (much of it is buried. Good.)

I could go on (and on and on) These are just a few of the books that have touched me 

Want more? Here's a good start: 
Genii's "magipedia" lists over 60 book-titles to Rocks's name (that's just the books!)

I can also recommend the wonderful interview on Dodd Vickers Linking Page:
Sheesh, I could recommend stuff till the cows come home. I have to stop at some point. Alright, so, enough rambling about Jon's incredible output. 
Let's talk about the man. "The Dude" The guru.  

I got to know the Jon thanks to Greg Gibson (THANKS Greg!) I snuck behind the curtain and got to meet the wizard... and he is real! I've seen it time and time again: from neophyte to obnoxious know it all "expert" everyone who walks before him, he welcomes with a warm eye, never judgemental and is ready/willing and able to talk the walk as far as you wanna go.

Jon is SO much deeper than the lil card tricks he writes about. He has mentored me in many, many ways beyond that of the wizard (&as a father of 6? or is it 7? I lost count how many he's had! He's always had a word of wisdom and advice towards fatherhood (I myself have 3)

It's a shame he doesn't have two heads and four arms/hands.... 
I'm sure we'd be privy to much more 'work' (and maybe that fabled novel?)

Damn, I wish I had the same, I'd like to keep writing, but... at some point to day, I have to move beyond publishing opinions.

I'll wrap up here with a post from the past ...
One day behind the counter of the Big Easy Magic Co. (RIP) I took a poll.
I asked everyone involved in our art "Why do you do magic?"  
(it was a trick question... the only correct answer I could think of was;  I dunno!)
I figured anyone who had an answer (for money, to meet girls, etc) was doing it without a pure heart (that might be a bad way of looking at things, but that was my mindset)  I did get one answer that came close to my ideal response. This from my good friend Elliot Gorton:  "I do Magic Because I have too"
Indeed!  Nail - Head -Whack!
I think Jon writes / shares because "he has too" and I'm blessed to be part of that book. Thanks Rock

See ya Monday ;)

Sunday, October 7, 2012


 OW: My throat hurts (bad, like REAL bad) & I'm sure I have a fever, but the damn thermometer just fell out of my mouth and the tip broke off (Don't worry, yes, I saved the mercury for the cats.)

! damnit !

*high of 76 today... party cloudy... saints home game

= the French Quarter will be packed

&  if things don't change quickly.... here's what I won't be doing:



Saturday, October 6, 2012

ah... ah... ah... ah...

no, not the Bee Gee's Classic

Greg Wilson's new release:
Stain Alive

So, while awaiting my penquin avatar to appear (any day now)
I randomly pop onto the *Penguin site to take a look around &
Well, today I happened to click  THIS LINK  & I must say, it's one of the best 'impromptu' (looking) effects I've seen in awhile.

Great job Greg, another winner (no surprise considering the source.)

Regarding Penquin
*Yes... I'm doin it (a streaming lecture Mid Nov... 17th I think.)
I'm going to try and stay focused and pure... but the dark side is strong (maybe I'll just do a 2 hour lecture on double lift theory?)  Honestly, if you're gonna be tuning in, I'd love to hear what you want me to do and /or discuss. K? Really!  Lemmee know.

Regarding the Penquin Pimpage:
Don't hate the player, hate the game!
hate energy bills
hate my 3 kids
hate kind bud
hate my car
hate me
hurt me
(I'm into that)


Thursday, October 4, 2012


Aight, this one is for the card geeks... have fun with this (if you dare)

Oil & Water (yeah: OW!)

I have a love / hate relationship with this plot
but after seeing (Ray Kosby do) Juan Tamariz' "Oil Strike"
... I'm back in the honeymoon phase.

Juan reccomends opening with a clean 4&4 / 8 card sequence

which leads me to this post

One of my all time fave O&W methods is (the second phase from) Tom Ransom's "Mixmaster" routine (which can be found in Lyon's Ibidem zine... where? fk that... I'm not giving you everything... go find it!)

Okay, so, I'm thinking the WTG is to do Mixmaster into a specs open L/R hands 

Then do the Kosby routine (Never the Twain from Spectacle) ya know, the Elmsley count thing: one of the best OW routines to ever grace the planet of cardopia.

and finish with Juan's wonderful Oil Strike

Oil Strike was published in... (oh fk that too: go find it!)

Ok, so, I'm not sure Juan's routine is the ideal finish for the opening / in the hands sequence (taking it out of the hands and into the eyes)
But I'm gonna have fun finding out...

PS: When no table is available, There's a chance I might include Marlo's wonderful face-up interlace version (the thing that Malone recently re-popularized)

Approaching Magic

Book of the week

Regal's "Approaching Magic"

If you enjoy reading (& doing) closeup/standup magic, this one is a no brainer. There is one prob with the book; You'll have trouble choosing which effects you want to perform. There is SO MUCH great stuff in this volume. Thank you Mr Regal for getting it so right. Your passion for our art flows off the page.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My new muse: DFSTCG

I must have this... Hell: I must have two of these!

Wong's Double Face Super Triple Coin Gimmick

Damn, how did I miss this release?

I got to handle one of these gimmicks last night (thanks TommEE) and was flabbergasted at how deceptive it is. IMO: It's the best coin thing I've seen... maybe ever. It's like something James Bond would have in his arsenal (if he were a magic geek.)

Watching Ponta the Smith handle the gimmick really makes it shine:

Both of these clips overdue it... I guess they're just showing off all the wonderful things possible. I think bout 1/2 this magic is all you'd wanna do (to much of a good thing is never a good thing.)

Oh, uh: Please buy my new stuff, so I can afford to buy extra sets!

Trailer Park

A couple Trailers of my stuff

I don't know why, but, youtube and blogger rarely co-operate for me. In the near future, it's very likely that I'll be moving this blog to wordpress ( it's much more gooder... gooderer even)

So, anyway: you might wanna just click this link:

and just watch the thing on the youtube page

I'm assume you haven't seen it. Granted, that's a large assumption, considering how much I've been whoring this thing out & about. I can't help myself. I'm a proud pappa. Aviles knocked another one out of the park with this lil promo. (Thanks bud!)

Above is the "Built to Last" trailer... & ...  below is "Pinky Swear"

You want em? Please Go here:

freE Zines

Can't get enough magi-news?
Well, today's linkage feature a couple of (international) E-Magic-Zines

At the time of this typing... both are FREE and both are well worth a look-see
is a wonderful email-zine that arrives in your email
it's focused on news from New Zealand, but the material is often of interest to magi worldwide. Good stuff... sign up.

is an upstart high quality (and yes: free) e-zine that is destined for failure. IMO: there's simply no way to maintain this high quality for free.
I hope they prove me wrong

All for now

Actually, that's not true.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Built to Last by Doug Conn | Ready to Ship!

Well, the day is finally here.

The "Built to Last" DVD set is ready to be released upon the magi-masses (available at <---that's me &/or <-That Rich Aviles's site, Rich is a master designer & nut head who had the faith this was a good idea)

I couldn't be happier with the production. Rich Aviles and his cohorts have done a wonderful job. Really, I couldn't have asked for more.

*Man-o-man I'm sooooooo glad that 10 years ago, I didn't pursue a cheesy A-1 or L&L shoot. I say this with all due respect to some wonderful artists that have released DVD's through these companies (there are (some) good ones.) I'm VERY happy that Rich asked ... and despite my dislike / disdain for the DVD medium, I said yes (wtf did I do that? dunno, but I'm glad I did!)

IMO the lion's share of the material is strong and commercial. I hope, upon viewing it you think the same, but for that too happen, you'll have to buy it. I recommend you click here

For $50 ya get: Two Disks, 3 Hours of stuff. 24 Routines that are truly "Built to Last"
(did I mention the purty production value? it oozes style and flair... heck, you don't even need to put these in the DVD player to get your monies worth!)

It's also worth noting that we decided to release the Pinky Swear project on DVD as well. If you didn't get the instant gratification of the download, you might want to consider owning a hard copy. 45 minutes, in depth teaching of the Pinky Count and Pass. 5 effects and more. Only $15 (wow, that's really cheap)

I've been busting ass trying to figure out how to make a shopping cart work with wordpress... it's working , but it's not pretty. Function over Form I suppose. Stay tuned for the pretty phase of in the interim. Go give me your money. I promise you'll get something worthwhile in return.

On behalf of my wife & three kids: Thanks
(Oh right, that's why I did this :)