When people ask what I do, my usual reply is
"I'm a magician" but, if conversation gets to the point where I'm handing out a business card, the potential client will find the term "
Prestidigitation" as my professional title. I THINK, that's what I am: a "
prestigitator" ... a "
sleight of hand artist" if you will. Note: I prefer the term
legerdemain, but zero percent of the laity knows what that means, so I defer to the former.

The term "
magician" is in the right ballpark, but I don't consider myself exactly that (*though I accept the misnomer to keep conversations simple.)
My general goal is to do what I love (sleight of hand) and to have fun with those watching it.
It's my choice... and that's kinda my point here... I've made a choice...
Have you?
What do
you are?
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