So, I'm pretty happy with the WordPress version of It's not done, nor perfect, but I'm getting closer every day.
One thing that I'd like to see get a lil more action is my newsletter sign ups....
I have ALOT of interesting things in the pipeline and would love to share the news with my fellow magi. If you're interested in my magic or if you just wanna try and win a freebie (you can always unsubscribe) Just take a second and visit the site and enter your email in the side column on the right hand side: you'll see a section that says
"Conn's News" and below that a spot to
enter your name and email (5 seconds and you're done)
Here's the CONTEST: Once I've reached 25 new names & subscribers, I'll be giving aways a FREE download of my Pinky Swear project (45 minutes, detailed instruction on the pass and pinky count and 6 routines plus more) The winner will come from the new signups. I'll wait a week to see what happens and then I'll do the giveaway. If I don't reach my goal, I'll still be giving away a download to some lucky subscriber. Take a chance, cant hurt.
Note: for every 25 sign-ups I get, I'll add another freebie (up to 3)
This gives everyone at least a 1-25 chance of winning a $10 product
I'd be most honored if you'd share this news, but at the very least, just take a sec and put your john hancock down.
PS: feel free to check out the 'shop' and pick up the hot new "Built To Last" DVD set
I'm sending out fun freebies to everyone who buys it...
so, not only will you get a great package of awesome material,
you'll get bonuses (ebooks)
and free shipping!
don't be the last magi on your block to get this most awesome set
NOW is this time
damn, this is like the longest most rambling PS in history
Click the pic: