Well, well, nice to see some rumors are true!
In 1994 Jon Racherbaumer published one of my original creations "Chameleon Sandwich" It was released in an "Underground" zine of his known as "Modus Operandi" I felt like I was on top of a mountain (and since then have climbed many more mountains: very often, thanks to Jon: Thanks Rock!) I have a few routines in these pages. And beyond that: I've read them all (I'm happy to own an original set :) and I can say with confidence, if you're a cardman, there's gold to be mined. You WILL find something of use (check out a brief list of contents below) There are moves, sleights and routines for all levels of cardopia. From simple self workers to complete knuckle busters.
This post is to report the zine is being compiled into a Hardcover keepsake (as it should be) and will be available the first of the year... Presales start now ($45 pre, $55 post) It's being produced by Harry Anderson's Spade and Archer (which I LOVE) and I expect the production to be top notch.
Want one?
Racherbaumer Writes (Quote)
This is to alert interested parties regarding the upcoming release of...
Meir Yedid and Harry Anderson are publishing an elegant, repackaged rendition of M.O. that features 50+ items, 20 + contributors, 240 + pages, and 180+ photographs. For those who may not know, M.O. was a limited edition quarterly I started back in 1993. If you ever wondered what kind of secrets were being shared by the elite underground, this is what M. O. was all about. Only eight issues were released, spanning from 1993-1996 and proved to be very exclusive. Few complete sets now exist and even single issues are almost impossible to find.
Contributors included: Arturo de Ascanio, Jack Birnman, Christian Chelman, Doug Conn, Daryl, Peter Duffie, "State-Street" Eddie Fay, Lee Freed, Phil Goldstein, Dan Harlan, Brad Henderson, Chris Kenner, Simon Lovell, Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer, Steve Reynolds, Daniel Rhod, Jean-Jacques Sanvert, Bob Sheets, Ken Simmons, Gerry Surma, Jean-Pierre Vallarino and many others.
Some of the routines and techniques include: Another Invisible 21-Card Trick, Ascanio’s Floating Double, Banded Together, Bravura Transposition, Calculated Invisible Toss, Caribbean Assembly, Chameleon Sandwich, Conn’s Opening, Don’t Be Superstitious, Eddie Marlo Lives!, Flutterless Bottom Deal, Graduates Interchange, In Situ Glimpse, Incomplete Surprise, Invisible Palm Festival, Janus Cards to Wallet, Kick-Counting On It!, Killer Kitson Miracle, Lollapalooza Prediction, Observation Test, On the Clip Palm, Playing the Light, Professional Color Vision, Psychic Leap Frog, Rhod Show, Rhumba Count Display, Royal Rollover, Sharper’s Image, Shifting, Whispering Thoughts, Stranger Succession Aces, Subtle Scoop Addition, Swivel Change, The Spectator Works Harder to Triumph, Total A-Band-a-Ment, Universal Mexican, Whispering Snitch and much more.
This exclusive volume is being published by Spade & Archer in 2014 and will be exclusively distributed by Meir Yedid. I will have a limited number of copies available at a special pre-publication price of $45 Postpaid). Thereafter the book will retail for $55.
Anyone interested in ordering it through me, please send me an e-mail now at Joncards@aol.com if you are interested and I'll add you to my list. Or you can pre- order it through PayPal at geniijon@aol.com and save $10.
Otherwise eventually check with Meir Yedid or Harry Anderson.
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