Ok, this blog has been dormant long enough
I've been going though a shit ton of heavy life crap & appear to be over the hump
as such, I can get back to trodding through this existence as only I can (and I hope the same for you: *in your own special way of course)
Me thinks My initial postings will likely focus on my re-entry into the busking arena
I've worked the cobblestones of New Orleans on and off for the better part of 20 years...
and now that I'm back on, it's more challenging than ever (status quo for me... and busking)
I suppose the sadist in me that brings me back... that and lack of any real job skills ;)
Anyhoo: it's a beautiful morning and I find that's the best time for me...
on that note: I'm outta here... and heading out there!
cya around!
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
I mentioned this series last year & was gonna leave it at that, but their latest release is a MUST have.
if you're late to the party, better late than never ...
Week 7 of this summer's series features the classic (epic) "Expert Card Technique"
... Nuff Said
Go, unplug that DVD player & give your brain some candy.
Open note of THANKS to all the fine folks at the CAC.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Page by Page
Stephen Page ( former front man for the "Barenaked Ladies") has long been one of my favorite male vocalists. If you're not sure who I'm talking about, do yourself a favor and youtube a tune or two: I suggest "Break Your Heart" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiNyPn2OZzg (there's LOTS more where that came from)
So anyway:...
His appearance at Toronto TedX delivers a wonderful look at creating and performing.
I think anyone who presents an art on stage for a live audience will find something to benefit from hie thoughts... if nothing else you get to hear Mr. Page sing a wonderful song
** the casual reader might want to skip to minute 8:00 to get to the meat of the talk (but BNL fans will want to listen to the whole thing)
So anyway:...
His appearance at Toronto TedX delivers a wonderful look at creating and performing.
I think anyone who presents an art on stage for a live audience will find something to benefit from hie thoughts... if nothing else you get to hear Mr. Page sing a wonderful song
** the casual reader might want to skip to minute 8:00 to get to the meat of the talk (but BNL fans will want to listen to the whole thing)
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
I learned about Marc Maron's wonderful WTF podcast a couple years ago and I've been a fan ever since (thanks Rich!) Maron is a grizzled veteran of the comedy scene. His insight to the entertainment industry provides no holds barred interviews with random celebrities (and magicians)
Todays link du jour is the recent WTF with the Amazing Johnathon. This NSFW interview is: a no-holds barred look at AJ's career (and beyond.) Johnathon is going through some tough stuff and you might find this interview a bit dark, but looking beyond the words, you might find inspiration to persevere through your own tough times. If nothing else, once you start listening I can pretty much guarantee you won't be able to stop.
Below is the Nate Bargatze interview that got me hooked on the show. Nate is Stephen Bargatze' son & a prossional comedian who, among other things gives a hillarious look at what it was like growing up with a magician as a father.
I don't expect everyone will like Maron's style as much as I do, but those who do will find a must-have bookmark for their pod-player of choice.
Friday, July 25, 2014
I've had a soft spot in my heart for card flourishes since childhood... perhaps learning things like the "Hot Shot Cut" (and a decade later: Chris Kenners "Sybll" ) from the printed page installed a respect for the craft at an early age... or perhaps my brain is just hardwired for the odd and unusual?
(the latter is more likely to be closer to the truth.)
If you're on the fence about flourishes, I suggest a look at Daryl's thoughts in his "In Praise of the Lowly Flourish" essay. This can be found in "For Your Entertainment Pleasure" (Stephen Minch)
While I'm here: Open note to Daryl & or Stephen: In my opinion For Your Entertainment Pleasure & "Secrets of a Puerto Rican Gambler" are as important now as they were back in the 80's... PLEASE REPRINT THEM!
but I digress...
Sub note 2.0" Alex Elmsley also published some interesting thoughts on the subject (these can be found in his "Collected Works"... again Minch ;) ... those who know me , know I put allot of value on just about EVERY thing Mr. Elmsley has published.
If you don't want to do the right thing and find/read/contemplate the thoughts of these giants, I think I can sum it up in a sentence:
"An audience should expect a professional to handle their props expertly"
(at the very least, they shouldn't be surprised if/when you do so.)
IMO: it makes total since that a performer who handles cards (or coins or balls or whatever) should be able to manipulate the objects extraordinarily. Sure, you must be careful not to overshadow the magic/effect with such displays, but as an interlude or when used to diffuse a hot moment, flourishes can be a wonderful tool (and as in the "Hot Shot Cut" & the "Snow Shoe Sandwich") used correctly flourished CAN also be used within a magical routine...
You cay no?
I say rules are meant to be broken
Of course, this isn't the right approach for everyone,
but there is a place and a time for some of it, some of the time.
NOte, No, I still haven't seen a full / live performance of "Cardistry" that I think a paying / viewing public would be interested in.... but I've seen LOTS of interesting web demos that interest me.
Here's one of them below (in fact, it was the inspiration for this post)
These young men perform with a smooth grace that brings a certain elegance to the flourishes
... the editing is sweet too.
Thanks Zach & Crew (Chase Duncan, Tobias Levin)
Good stuff
(the latter is more likely to be closer to the truth.)
If you're on the fence about flourishes, I suggest a look at Daryl's thoughts in his "In Praise of the Lowly Flourish" essay. This can be found in "For Your Entertainment Pleasure" (Stephen Minch)
While I'm here: Open note to Daryl & or Stephen: In my opinion For Your Entertainment Pleasure & "Secrets of a Puerto Rican Gambler" are as important now as they were back in the 80's... PLEASE REPRINT THEM!
but I digress...
Sub note 2.0" Alex Elmsley also published some interesting thoughts on the subject (these can be found in his "Collected Works"... again Minch ;) ... those who know me , know I put allot of value on just about EVERY thing Mr. Elmsley has published.
If you don't want to do the right thing and find/read/contemplate the thoughts of these giants, I think I can sum it up in a sentence:
"An audience should expect a professional to handle their props expertly"
(at the very least, they shouldn't be surprised if/when you do so.)
IMO: it makes total since that a performer who handles cards (or coins or balls or whatever) should be able to manipulate the objects extraordinarily. Sure, you must be careful not to overshadow the magic/effect with such displays, but as an interlude or when used to diffuse a hot moment, flourishes can be a wonderful tool (and as in the "Hot Shot Cut" & the "Snow Shoe Sandwich") used correctly flourished CAN also be used within a magical routine...
You cay no?
I say rules are meant to be broken
Of course, this isn't the right approach for everyone,
but there is a place and a time for some of it, some of the time.
NOte, No, I still haven't seen a full / live performance of "Cardistry" that I think a paying / viewing public would be interested in.... but I've seen LOTS of interesting web demos that interest me.
Here's one of them below (in fact, it was the inspiration for this post)
These young men perform with a smooth grace that brings a certain elegance to the flourishes
Thanks Zach & Crew (Chase Duncan, Tobias Levin)
Good stuff
Hot Shot,
Zach Mueller
Monday, July 14, 2014
Book Mark Du Jour
"It's only the unwilling suspension of disbelief that is fascinating"
Say what?
Think about that... and then watch the interview below to enter the minds of Penn & Teller.
"Magic can be an intellectual art form because it has built-in irony" (Teller)
While watching some YouTube today, I ran across an amazing interview with P&T... a great discussion that gets real juicy at the 9:30 mark. Some of the best theory crafting I've given my time to contemplate.
I'll be re-reviewing this for sure.
I could listen to Penn speak his mind ad-nausem on just about any subject
(and he has some interesting views on MANY topics) better than that... TELLER speaks!This is a very interesting discussion from TAM 2012
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Reviewing the State of Magicrap
This appears to be a non-biased magic-video review site.
No crazy gimmicks and not related to the distribution / prostitution of our art.
I started to bookmark the site for my (never-ending) favorites list and as I contemplated that, I contemplated the lack of good magic I've seen reviewed lately. **I have seen magic get good reviews... but that doesn't mean it's good. It only means it's selling.
There's little I enjoy more in life than researching magic. From the first day I cracked a magic book (30+ years ago) to watching the latest Wizard Product review (last Wed.) I have enjoyed many many long days and late nights in pursuit of the elusive miracle.
I can confidently state: If you're looking for a new effect or routine, I'm confident in stating the best bang for your buck will usually come from a book. Not only will book study provide the most value, it will inspire you to interpret the magic on your own. Unlike a DVD (or watching someone else perform an effect in a lecture or show) YOU get to choose what the magic will convey.
I digress...
I'm not preaching the perfect way to learn magic. That's not the purpose of this post.
So, why are we here today?
After watching the recent episodes of the aforementioned Wizard Product Review , I reflected on the insane amount of magiCRAP that is being released these days. I thought it was getting bad 10 years ago when I owned a shop and the flood gates were wide open. For the most part, the last few decades have provided an amazing selection of valuable products for the magi-community. But now that all the great performers have released their material, we're left with teenagers and non-professionals pumping out products as fast as paypal can launder the money. I've heard rumors of the amount of new magic that major distributors carry. No less than 5-7 NEW products added EVERY week. Its unfathomable that any company can deal with this output (much less profit from it.) But... they do... and someone is supporting them (and by someone, I mean 1000's of magi-marks.) I understand what its like when the magibug bites: it's grip is fast and wide. It seems the desire to learn anything and everything is satiated only by the size of your wallet.
I'm guilty as anyone. Rarely does a week go by that I don't wish for the latest trick or doohickey. But I recently realized that was no longer the case. I don't think it has anything to do with my interest in our art, I think it's just a lack of good products. Sure, There's a gazillion things I'd like to have: I never did get a (Pure) smoke device & I'd still like to test drive "Soundz Amazing" (both from my wishlist last year) but nope: nothing lately.
Oh, btw, speaking of Soundz Amazing, here's the in depth review from Akirafist:
I'll be spending a good portion of my day, reviewing his reviews.
That's the bright-side of the current magic-meta. There are PLENTY of opinions to be heard. Turn on YouTube, check the Magi-cafe, ask Facebook, etc. Do yourself a favor: Weed out the chaff.
Alright, this post needs to end somewhere. I guess we'll wrap up here
#1: Buy More Books
#2: Buy Carefully
#3: Review the Reviews
and remember one of the golden rules:
The amateur magician does 100 tricks poorly. The professional does 10 tricks well.
*& the best magi do 5 tricks perfectly (my addendum)
No crazy gimmicks and not related to the distribution / prostitution of our art.
I started to bookmark the site for my (never-ending) favorites list and as I contemplated that, I contemplated the lack of good magic I've seen reviewed lately. **I have seen magic get good reviews... but that doesn't mean it's good. It only means it's selling.
There's little I enjoy more in life than researching magic. From the first day I cracked a magic book (30+ years ago) to watching the latest Wizard Product review (last Wed.) I have enjoyed many many long days and late nights in pursuit of the elusive miracle.
I can confidently state: If you're looking for a new effect or routine, I'm confident in stating the best bang for your buck will usually come from a book. Not only will book study provide the most value, it will inspire you to interpret the magic on your own. Unlike a DVD (or watching someone else perform an effect in a lecture or show) YOU get to choose what the magic will convey.
I digress...
I'm not preaching the perfect way to learn magic. That's not the purpose of this post.
So, why are we here today?
After watching the recent episodes of the aforementioned Wizard Product Review , I reflected on the insane amount of magiCRAP that is being released these days. I thought it was getting bad 10 years ago when I owned a shop and the flood gates were wide open. For the most part, the last few decades have provided an amazing selection of valuable products for the magi-community. But now that all the great performers have released their material, we're left with teenagers and non-professionals pumping out products as fast as paypal can launder the money. I've heard rumors of the amount of new magic that major distributors carry. No less than 5-7 NEW products added EVERY week. Its unfathomable that any company can deal with this output (much less profit from it.) But... they do... and someone is supporting them (and by someone, I mean 1000's of magi-marks.) I understand what its like when the magibug bites: it's grip is fast and wide. It seems the desire to learn anything and everything is satiated only by the size of your wallet.
I'm guilty as anyone. Rarely does a week go by that I don't wish for the latest trick or doohickey. But I recently realized that was no longer the case. I don't think it has anything to do with my interest in our art, I think it's just a lack of good products. Sure, There's a gazillion things I'd like to have: I never did get a (Pure) smoke device & I'd still like to test drive "Soundz Amazing" (both from my wishlist last year) but nope: nothing lately.
Oh, btw, speaking of Soundz Amazing, here's the in depth review from Akirafist:
I'll be spending a good portion of my day, reviewing his reviews.
That's the bright-side of the current magic-meta. There are PLENTY of opinions to be heard. Turn on YouTube, check the Magi-cafe, ask Facebook, etc. Do yourself a favor: Weed out the chaff.
Alright, this post needs to end somewhere. I guess we'll wrap up here
#1: Buy More Books
#2: Buy Carefully
#3: Review the Reviews
and remember one of the golden rules:
The amateur magician does 100 tricks poorly. The professional does 10 tricks well.
*& the best magi do 5 tricks perfectly (my addendum)
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Last night I re-watched “The Incredible Burt Wonderstone” (on HBO...)
With all due respect to any alumni involved in his forgettable movie, it is only (sleightly) saved by
acceptable performances from Steve Carell and Jim Carrey.
There are some fun cameos and the occasional reference will keep fast company attentive (“your Zarrow shuffle is sloppy”) IMO: Overall, this flick was a disappointment.
So, why am I mentioning it?
Well, it provided the incentive to reflect on a reflection that has stayed fast in my theory closet (say what?)
These thoughts deserve more than the brief mention I’ll be delivering here. Perhaps some day I’ll spend the time to record a full mental dump, but for now a few sentences will have to suffice.
To make a long story short:
One of the ‘Wonderful’ things about our craft is that there are so many ways to do things right.
Whether its a full fledged sensory attack (Ala David Copperfield) or a few mumbled words (Ala David Blaine) at the end of the day, time has proven there is no ‘right’ answer when it comes to presenting the conjuring arts.
You can be fun-funny or stern-serious, amazing or skillful, suave or sloppy, it all works.
From Mac King to Max Maven, Darwin Ortiz to Lennart Green, ( or even obtain cult icon status with unique approaches of Criss Angel or David Blaine)
From Mac King to Max Maven, Darwin Ortiz to Lennart Green, ( or even obtain cult icon status with unique approaches of Criss Angel or David Blaine)
One need only briefly consider the differences of these performers & then wonder how they all have reached a pinnacle of their chosen perspective. I could make a dozen different references to make my point, but a look at your personal favorite magi should provide all the mindset you need.
While many magi are constantly in search of the right way to approach performing, they really need look no further than in front of their eyes..
Who really decides what is the correct approach to performing magic?
I’ll tell you who: your audience.
& its an endgame that begins with a vision of what you want to share.
Yes, everything and more has a home in our Wonderful artform, all you really need are two things:
#1 A Point of View
#2 The desire and drive to deliver #1
Or you can be an inferior imitation of someone else...
First step: the important thing is to think about it at all.
finis (or the beginning for many.)
Oh, if you haven't seen it
(if you'd like to see a great magic movie: I recommend the Prestige (a wonderul Chis Nolan flick) or The Illusionist (starring Edward Nortan in a fantastic role.... in fact, I think I'll watch that later today ;)
The Illusionist
wow, the full movie is here;
As far as Magi-Comedies go, if you're a magician, you're likely to enjoy the english comedy "The Magicians" (availble on Netflix at the time of this post) you'll find much more real magic , cameos and the like... I'm not really recommending it, but if you're choosing between this and the average sitcom, 'the magicians' is nearly equal in entertainment value (also currently on Netflix is the outstanding Ricky Jay Documentary: Deceptive Practices.)
Last but not least (and only last because I'm sick of typing)
Now You See Me is another Magi-Flick worth a look
Thursday, June 26, 2014
The Constant...
I've taken a bit of a hiatus from this blog (and as I type this, I wonder who is reading these words?) When I started this, I never really intended for it to be much more than an online reference for the magi-stuffs that were of interest to me. I did figure that my findings may interest others and as part of the "pay it forward" mindset, I figured that it couldn't hurt to share my interests online.
So, today I ran across a website that lists various magic-blogs and my online notebook was noted / linked, etc. I'm honored and humbled that someone (anyone) would find my poorly penned ramblings would be of intermittent interest and as I considered these thoughts, I felt bad that I haven't been writing more lately.
It's not for lack of caring. I truly enjoy the pursuit of the illusive miracle and other related matters ... and I've always yearned to improve my writing skills (and figured that doing more writing was a step towards achieving that goal.) < a small smirk crosses my lips as I realize: I must have broken a dozen basic writing concepts by the time I reached the previous sentance... but I digress (and I'm leaving the word "sentance" misspelled so I know at least one error exists;)
Anyway, the point of this post is to let ya know, my temporary absence is just that: Temporary.
I've been going through allot of personal stuff lately and had no inclination to be artistic and or productive. Fortunately time does heal wounds and slowly but surely I'm seeing through the fog (that of a momentary lapse of reason is pretending it does.)
I've always felt fortunate to have something like magic in my life & Can't imagine what it's like to wake up and not have the drive to peruse an art... Hmmm. Perhaps ignorance is bliss?
Today I had a nice / nostalgic reflection as I re-reviewed and rehearsed the first sleight of hand effect I ever learned (Daley's Last Trick.) Another one of the wonderful things about our art is that every second (and the microseconds inbetween) can be analyzed and perfected / directed or misdirected as the case may be. I think this never ending brain candy is one of the wonderful things that keeps me interested in conjuring (and I suggest if you're not of a similar mindset that perhaps your magic is lacking some luster?)
As I type these words, my trusty pack of pasteboards, those 52 lovers... the devils playbook, rest in my pocket. Never more than a reach away for an ease of the mind. Be it later tonight or early tomorrow, I know they'll be there for me. If you're reading this, chances are you're one of a similar ilk: one of the lucky ones.
Alright, well, I ony intended this post to be a brief blurb to mention I'll be back sooner than later (hopefully more towards the former.) In the interim... Whomever your messiah (be it bob of the chosen one himself) I suggest saying a little thanks to the powers that be for providing us some real MAGIC in our lives.
see ya soon
So, today I ran across a website that lists various magic-blogs and my online notebook was noted / linked, etc. I'm honored and humbled that someone (anyone) would find my poorly penned ramblings would be of intermittent interest and as I considered these thoughts, I felt bad that I haven't been writing more lately.
It's not for lack of caring. I truly enjoy the pursuit of the illusive miracle and other related matters ... and I've always yearned to improve my writing skills (and figured that doing more writing was a step towards achieving that goal.) < a small smirk crosses my lips as I realize: I must have broken a dozen basic writing concepts by the time I reached the previous sentance... but I digress (and I'm leaving the word "sentance" misspelled so I know at least one error exists;)
Anyway, the point of this post is to let ya know, my temporary absence is just that: Temporary.
I've been going through allot of personal stuff lately and had no inclination to be artistic and or productive. Fortunately time does heal wounds and slowly but surely I'm seeing through the fog (that of a momentary lapse of reason is pretending it does.)
I've always felt fortunate to have something like magic in my life & Can't imagine what it's like to wake up and not have the drive to peruse an art... Hmmm. Perhaps ignorance is bliss?
Today I had a nice / nostalgic reflection as I re-reviewed and rehearsed the first sleight of hand effect I ever learned (Daley's Last Trick.) Another one of the wonderful things about our art is that every second (and the microseconds inbetween) can be analyzed and perfected / directed or misdirected as the case may be. I think this never ending brain candy is one of the wonderful things that keeps me interested in conjuring (and I suggest if you're not of a similar mindset that perhaps your magic is lacking some luster?)
As I type these words, my trusty pack of pasteboards, those 52 lovers... the devils playbook, rest in my pocket. Never more than a reach away for an ease of the mind. Be it later tonight or early tomorrow, I know they'll be there for me. If you're reading this, chances are you're one of a similar ilk: one of the lucky ones.
Alright, well, I ony intended this post to be a brief blurb to mention I'll be back sooner than later (hopefully more towards the former.) In the interim... Whomever your messiah (be it bob of the chosen one himself) I suggest saying a little thanks to the powers that be for providing us some real MAGIC in our lives.
see ya soon
Sunday, June 8, 2014
New Norbert
I'm sure I've posted clips / info of this fantastic performer in the past.
I had the pleasure of seeing this act live back in the late 90's...
it's a great example of what a strong 12 minutes can get ya: from what I can see, only the smallest details have changed between what I saw then (and now)
Don't get me wrong: those small details make ALL the difference and one of the wonderful things about our magical art is: you can spend a lifetime perfecting EVERY second (EVERY SECOND) of an act.
This latest clip from Norbert shows his opening card sequence
I suggest a look at some of the other clips you can find on youtube to get a full understanding of his charecter (suave & debonair, intersperesed with Jerry Lewis'esque comedy... it's fun / funny , amusing and AMAZING) His billiard ball work is as good (Better?) than the cards.
The whole act is worth a look... don't take my word for it... go LOOK!
Here's a start: this was posted four months ago (I was wondering when he'd show up on this french variety show (as he is a natvie of theat land))
Sidenote: I hope you'll excuse my sparse posting lately, I'm going through some perosnal stuff and not always in the mood (nor at home near the internet) I'm sure things will get back to 'normal' eventually...
In the interim; have the faith... everything is temporary
I had the pleasure of seeing this act live back in the late 90's...
it's a great example of what a strong 12 minutes can get ya: from what I can see, only the smallest details have changed between what I saw then (and now)
Don't get me wrong: those small details make ALL the difference and one of the wonderful things about our magical art is: you can spend a lifetime perfecting EVERY second (EVERY SECOND) of an act.
This latest clip from Norbert shows his opening card sequence
I suggest a look at some of the other clips you can find on youtube to get a full understanding of his charecter (suave & debonair, intersperesed with Jerry Lewis'esque comedy... it's fun / funny , amusing and AMAZING) His billiard ball work is as good (Better?) than the cards.
The whole act is worth a look... don't take my word for it... go LOOK!
Here's a start: this was posted four months ago (I was wondering when he'd show up on this french variety show (as he is a natvie of theat land))
His youtube channel has many more clips of this wonderful performer
Sidenote: I hope you'll excuse my sparse posting lately, I'm going through some perosnal stuff and not always in the mood (nor at home near the internet) I'm sure things will get back to 'normal' eventually...
In the interim; have the faith... everything is temporary
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Trcky FLUSH BRUSH Download
Happy to announce Flush Brush (my simplified / direct handling of Chris Kenner's wonderful effect "Paint By Numbers") is now available through TRCKY.com This has been a long standing favorite routine that never fails to garner an outstanding reaction. The handling is simple and the presentation flows like butter... check it out:
Click below to visit "FLUSH BRUSH" (2.0) on the TRCKY site.
IMO: $8 is a very reasonable asking price, especially considering the extras you receive (two different methods and my touches on Dai Vernon's "Triumph" shuffle: Triumph Tools.) those who purchase the download and are interested in upgrading to the full "Built to Last" dvd set, can do so with the $8 asking price discounted from the purchase (which makes the download virtually free)
Whether you're looking for the 'real work' on the Triumph shuffle or if you're in search of a powerhouse card-closer, I guarantee you'll be happy with this info-packed download.
Want more info?
All of my TRCKY products can be found here: http://www.trcky.com/catalog/people/doug-conn.html
Big time thanks to Rich Aviles for continuing to go the extra mile...
Check out his work, I"m sure you won't be disssssaaaapppppoooiinnnttted :)
Click below to visit "FLUSH BRUSH" (2.0) on the TRCKY site.
IMO: $8 is a very reasonable asking price, especially considering the extras you receive (two different methods and my touches on Dai Vernon's "Triumph" shuffle: Triumph Tools.) those who purchase the download and are interested in upgrading to the full "Built to Last" dvd set, can do so with the $8 asking price discounted from the purchase (which makes the download virtually free)
Whether you're looking for the 'real work' on the Triumph shuffle or if you're in search of a powerhouse card-closer, I guarantee you'll be happy with this info-packed download.
Want more info?
All of my TRCKY products can be found here: http://www.trcky.com/catalog/people/doug-conn.html
Big time thanks to Rich Aviles for continuing to go the extra mile...
Check out his work, I"m sure you won't be disssssaaaapppppoooiinnnttted :)
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Mark Jenest released a wonderful Magic DVD over a decade ago "Miracles While You Wait"
Two effects: Short Hop & Jiggernaut are worth the price of the DVD (or download if you prefer) but one of the effects was worth more than all combined (& made the DVD worth purchasing) the wonderful efffect "Billoon" this was a highlight of this great DVD and an effect that Penquin magic is currently offering for the low price of $4.95
I've often wondered why more people aren't using this stellar effect...
Visual & fun with drama, tension, movement, color and sound (POP!)
If you're unfamiliar with the M.O. it's well worth the $5 bux... there's ALOT of crap that sells for more and gives much less.
HIGHLY recommended
Cuirous: is Mark Jenest still trickin? I haven't heard or seen him around (many could say the same of me ;)
Penquin's Ad:
1. Borrow a bill. Any currency works!
2. Have someone SIGN THEIR NAME on it.
3. Blow up a balloon, TIE THE END, and have someone hold it.
5. Have them shake it, they can really hear it in there!
6. End by popping the balloon to prove the bill was THE EXACT SAME ONE they signed.
An incredible party trick that's fun, and SUPER EASY.
Two effects: Short Hop & Jiggernaut are worth the price of the DVD (or download if you prefer) but one of the effects was worth more than all combined (& made the DVD worth purchasing) the wonderful efffect "Billoon" this was a highlight of this great DVD and an effect that Penquin magic is currently offering for the low price of $4.95
I've often wondered why more people aren't using this stellar effect...
Visual & fun with drama, tension, movement, color and sound (POP!)
If you're unfamiliar with the M.O. it's well worth the $5 bux... there's ALOT of crap that sells for more and gives much less.
HIGHLY recommended
Cuirous: is Mark Jenest still trickin? I haven't heard or seen him around (many could say the same of me ;)
Penquin's Ad:
1. Borrow a bill. Any currency works!
2. Have someone SIGN THEIR NAME on it.
3. Blow up a balloon, TIE THE END, and have someone hold it.
5. Have them shake it, they can really hear it in there!
6. End by popping the balloon to prove the bill was THE EXACT SAME ONE they signed.
An incredible party trick that's fun, and SUPER EASY.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
This post is about online magic demonstrations.
**In particular, ads that mislead the buyer (there are a few honest souls in the biz, but all to often, the goal of a demo is to mislead the buyer)
I'll keep it simple
It's the law... you MUST be truthful in your ad:
check it out (below) and if you see a misleading magic ad, feel free to report it here:
For all the good guys doing it right: Thanks
For all the other whores and pimps: FU
**In particular, ads that mislead the buyer (there are a few honest souls in the biz, but all to often, the goal of a demo is to mislead the buyer)
I'll keep it simple
It's the law... you MUST be truthful in your ad:
check it out (below) and if you see a misleading magic ad, feel free to report it here:
For all the good guys doing it right: Thanks
For all the other whores and pimps: FU
Monday, April 21, 2014
a BTL freebie
Rich Aviles and his TRCKY.com has offered a free look at one of the effects from the Built to Last DVD set: ... click below to see and learn "Chameleon Sandwich" (the effect that started it all)
This is an excerpt from disk one (of two)
If you like what you see: visit TRCKY or contact me
You can email: connjure@gmail.com
or visit DougConn.com (where I have them available through an online cart)
AS always, open to question and comments
Open thanks to Rich for his superb work.
This is an excerpt from disk one (of two)
If you like what you see: visit TRCKY or contact me
You can email: connjure@gmail.com
or visit DougConn.com (where I have them available through an online cart)
AS always, open to question and comments
Open thanks to Rich for his superb work.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Unfortunate... (effects)
Nice to see this long awaited release finally available. Following a trail blazed by Lee Asher, Ben Train & Chris Mayhew (and Co.) have produced a 'magic movie' that is an instructional as well. It looks like the production values are off the chain and I can't wait to see this thing in it full glory.
I'm sure it'll be a worthwhile investment to any/all close-up / magic enthusiasts
All these guys are brainy & creative (with chops to back up the thought process) e... look for this at your fave dealer: "A Series of Unfortunate Effects"
I'm sure it'll be a worthwhile investment to any/all close-up / magic enthusiasts
All these guys are brainy & creative (with chops to back up the thought process) e... look for this at your fave dealer: "A Series of Unfortunate Effects"
Note: there are several previews on youtube: search for the rest.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Card Mojo / Straw Poll
Straw Poll = a fun way to take a poll
(a note to self & you)
Here's one I created off the top of my head (with little to no thought involved)
Most Important Card Magic Mojo
Maybe you'll find use in this fun tool
Maybe I'm just wasting time
Lets find out...
thanks for visiting today
PS: visit
to make your own straw poll
(a note to self & you)
Here's one I created off the top of my head (with little to no thought involved)
Most Important Card Magic Mojo
Maybe you'll find use in this fun tool
Maybe I'm just wasting time
Lets find out...
thanks for visiting today
PS: visit
to make your own straw poll
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Non-Plus Ultra, The Hofzinser Books
I'm very excited to have the NonPlus Ultra / Hofsinzer Card Artistry combo in my possession
Kudos to "Magic Christian" (the original composer of this collection) Hermetic Press and the Conjuring Arts Research Center for releasing this set in English. Only 900 sets were published and I couldn't be happier to be able to read one of them ;) I'm a bit concerned that the set is to 'heady' to be enjoyed: but I'm going to do my best. I've never been a super-historian, but if there is anyone (aside from Erdnase) that I'd like to know more about: Hofzinser is the man.
Johann Nepomuk Hofsinzer was one of the most important magi in the history of our art. He was one of the first to bring it into the light as a form of sophisticated entertainment. Heck, it's quite likely; without his efforts, we wouldn't even have 'close-up' magic as it exists today.
Most (american) cardmen point to Erdnase & his "Expert at the Card Table" as "The Bible" of card magic. I doubt that bible would have existed if it weren't for the efforts of Hofzinser and his contemporary. Oddly enough, Hofzinser was not one to disperse secrets lightly. They were nuggets of gold cherished and distributed gently (unlike today, where the distributors whore our art to the tune of 5-10 new items each week: that's HUNDREDS of new Tricks, DVDs, Downloads and Books each year.) Pimpin ain't easy.
Sidenote: you only need a dozen good tricks to be a great magician.
So anyway:
This collection traces magic back to the 16th century...
500 years later, I'm wondering if technology has the power to render this art obscure & insignificant? Doubtful. People want to believe, they want to escape and if nothing else, they want personal / live interaction and entertainment. Magic has the power to deliver on all fronts: from Drama to Comedy and everything in between and beyond.
Alright, I'm rambling when I could be reading. I'm gonna stop typing and go read.
After a brief span of being overwhelmed (and underwhelmed) at the info-glut our art has been presented with, I wonder if my addition to the sludge helps at all? I'd forgot the origianal goal of this blog was for ME to recall / remember / notate the things that I found worthwhile and important. If someone else stumbles across them and finds these words helpful (or even legible) then, that is simply a bonus.
On that note, I'll be back to posting more often
PS: regarding the video thing, I will be doing it... but it will be much more sparse than the schedule I had considered. The lack of response and my current schedule (etc) moves such a project to the bottom of the rather large to do list.
Ok, all for now: where's my reading glasses...
Kudos to "Magic Christian" (the original composer of this collection) Hermetic Press and the Conjuring Arts Research Center for releasing this set in English. Only 900 sets were published and I couldn't be happier to be able to read one of them ;) I'm a bit concerned that the set is to 'heady' to be enjoyed: but I'm going to do my best. I've never been a super-historian, but if there is anyone (aside from Erdnase) that I'd like to know more about: Hofzinser is the man.
Johann Nepomuk Hofsinzer was one of the most important magi in the history of our art. He was one of the first to bring it into the light as a form of sophisticated entertainment. Heck, it's quite likely; without his efforts, we wouldn't even have 'close-up' magic as it exists today.
Most (american) cardmen point to Erdnase & his "Expert at the Card Table" as "The Bible" of card magic. I doubt that bible would have existed if it weren't for the efforts of Hofzinser and his contemporary. Oddly enough, Hofzinser was not one to disperse secrets lightly. They were nuggets of gold cherished and distributed gently (unlike today, where the distributors whore our art to the tune of 5-10 new items each week: that's HUNDREDS of new Tricks, DVDs, Downloads and Books each year.) Pimpin ain't easy.
Sidenote: you only need a dozen good tricks to be a great magician.
So anyway:
This collection traces magic back to the 16th century...
500 years later, I'm wondering if technology has the power to render this art obscure & insignificant? Doubtful. People want to believe, they want to escape and if nothing else, they want personal / live interaction and entertainment. Magic has the power to deliver on all fronts: from Drama to Comedy and everything in between and beyond.
Alright, I'm rambling when I could be reading. I'm gonna stop typing and go read.
After a brief span of being overwhelmed (and underwhelmed) at the info-glut our art has been presented with, I wonder if my addition to the sludge helps at all? I'd forgot the origianal goal of this blog was for ME to recall / remember / notate the things that I found worthwhile and important. If someone else stumbles across them and finds these words helpful (or even legible) then, that is simply a bonus.
On that note, I'll be back to posting more often
PS: regarding the video thing, I will be doing it... but it will be much more sparse than the schedule I had considered. The lack of response and my current schedule (etc) moves such a project to the bottom of the rather large to do list.
Ok, all for now: where's my reading glasses...
Monday, March 24, 2014
Ok, so a few years ago, I had someone swipe my website "dougconn.com' right from under my nose (due to bank switch and a credit card that didn't work anymore) So, I decided to use 'Connmagic.com' as a replacement site... well, over the past year I was able to reclaim my name (no small feat) and now dougconn.com is back to 'normal' (it's actually a hot mess right now but I'll get there... one day)
To make a long story short: connmagic.com is set to renew and I see no reason to have two domains that are going to the same place (I've just been forwarding the connmagic domain to dougconn.com)
Point: I'm gonna let the connmagic domain go.
As of mid April, that site will be obsolete
In other news... I've really been thinking about the video thing... I've been thinking hard.
I think I'm gonna do it. Response was less than what I'd hoped, but in the day of the info glut, that's no surprise. .... I think (like the "Field of Dreams")
"If you build it, they will come"
I've got a lot to decide... I'll probably start with a once a week youtube segment... and "like a box of chocolates, there's no telling what you're gonna get" I've got a good list of topics I'd like to cover already, but I want to go further than that... Eventually, building to an interactive web stream (again: at least once a week, maybe more.) I'll be doing magic, moves, theory, reviews, tips and occasionally rambling about the crazy nonsense that often captures my interest (like Juggling, Mnemonics, The Rubics cube, etc etc etc) I see no good reason to charge for this: it will be free and If things work out, I'll be navigating into new info-area that few magi have tread.
For now, it's just talk and I've done plenty of that.
My current connundrum is the camera. Really the best one I have is on my iPhone.
I'm a complete nube when it comes to web/camera/webcams and would appreciate any advice if you have it.
For now, believe it when you see it... but, I really believe you're gonna see it.
Stay tuned... and practice your pinky count
all for now,
To make a long story short: connmagic.com is set to renew and I see no reason to have two domains that are going to the same place (I've just been forwarding the connmagic domain to dougconn.com)
Point: I'm gonna let the connmagic domain go.
As of mid April, that site will be obsolete
In other news... I've really been thinking about the video thing... I've been thinking hard.
I think I'm gonna do it. Response was less than what I'd hoped, but in the day of the info glut, that's no surprise. .... I think (like the "Field of Dreams")
"If you build it, they will come"
I've got a lot to decide... I'll probably start with a once a week youtube segment... and "like a box of chocolates, there's no telling what you're gonna get" I've got a good list of topics I'd like to cover already, but I want to go further than that... Eventually, building to an interactive web stream (again: at least once a week, maybe more.) I'll be doing magic, moves, theory, reviews, tips and occasionally rambling about the crazy nonsense that often captures my interest (like Juggling, Mnemonics, The Rubics cube, etc etc etc) I see no good reason to charge for this: it will be free and If things work out, I'll be navigating into new info-area that few magi have tread.
For now, it's just talk and I've done plenty of that.
My current connundrum is the camera. Really the best one I have is on my iPhone.
I'm a complete nube when it comes to web/camera/webcams and would appreciate any advice if you have it.
For now, believe it when you see it... but, I really believe you're gonna see it.
Stay tuned... and practice your pinky count
all for now,
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
I'm thinking of making at least one post a week that is comprised of video content
Before I go through the trouble of doing this, I need to get a general idea of who is out there and interested in seeing my mug (or my hands) spewing about magic and the related arts
I'm not gonna invest the time and energy if no-one is listening.
Lemme know (comment, email, +1 this post, whatever)
I think it'd be a fun challenge, but I don't wanna just talk to myself.?
Before I go through the trouble of doing this, I need to get a general idea of who is out there and interested in seeing my mug (or my hands) spewing about magic and the related arts
I'm not gonna invest the time and energy if no-one is listening.
Lemme know (comment, email, +1 this post, whatever)
I think it'd be a fun challenge, but I don't wanna just talk to myself.?
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Get Small
(kudos to those who recognize the Steve Martin title reference)
This post will be a tip about doing card tricks that involve a large layout procedure; These are often un-weildly due to space conditions / restrictions.
I'm talking about things like the 21 card trick... or more gooder (like theres something less gooder than the 21 card trick?) the Grid / Matrix Effect that Lennert Green and / or John Bannon have done so much work on. Note: I first learned this in Jon Racherbaumers' MO Zine as "Spectator Works Harder to Triumph" and the credit was given to Peter Dufie... I'm not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg, but I do know this is an amazing principle. In case your curious, my favorite version is John Bannon's "Origami Prediction' (from his Bullet DVDs)
So, yeah, basically the idea is to carry the needed cards in Playtime size (smaller cards) which allow you to do this large layout on a surface 1/4 the size it would normally require: and IMO, the use of said cards requires no more justification that that. I carry the above Bannon / Oragami effect in a small coin envelope that houses the 16 cards and the prediction. It's small enough to toss in a wallet if you want to carry something unique to perform at your next social gathering (I don't really consider this kind of effect a good walkaround piece... but I digress) Sidenote, if you'd like to know just about everything possible with this kind of 'matrix' effect, I'd suggest a look at Lennert Green's dissertation on the subject in his EMC DVD release... he covers about a a dozen different options (more than enough food for thought to develop a strong routine.)
Beyond that...
There's quite a few effects in Cardopia that require such layouts and you might consider using this strategy to make these more user friendly by employing a smaller card stock.
That's todays tip of the day... hope someone finds it helpful
This post will be a tip about doing card tricks that involve a large layout procedure; These are often un-weildly due to space conditions / restrictions.
I'm talking about things like the 21 card trick... or more gooder (like theres something less gooder than the 21 card trick?) the Grid / Matrix Effect that Lennert Green and / or John Bannon have done so much work on. Note: I first learned this in Jon Racherbaumers' MO Zine as "Spectator Works Harder to Triumph" and the credit was given to Peter Dufie... I'm not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg, but I do know this is an amazing principle. In case your curious, my favorite version is John Bannon's "Origami Prediction' (from his Bullet DVDs)
So, yeah, basically the idea is to carry the needed cards in Playtime size (smaller cards) which allow you to do this large layout on a surface 1/4 the size it would normally require: and IMO, the use of said cards requires no more justification that that. I carry the above Bannon / Oragami effect in a small coin envelope that houses the 16 cards and the prediction. It's small enough to toss in a wallet if you want to carry something unique to perform at your next social gathering (I don't really consider this kind of effect a good walkaround piece... but I digress) Sidenote, if you'd like to know just about everything possible with this kind of 'matrix' effect, I'd suggest a look at Lennert Green's dissertation on the subject in his EMC DVD release... he covers about a a dozen different options (more than enough food for thought to develop a strong routine.)
Beyond that...
There's quite a few effects in Cardopia that require such layouts and you might consider using this strategy to make these more user friendly by employing a smaller card stock.
That's todays tip of the day... hope someone finds it helpful
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Back in the Saddle
Hello fellow Webinians
Happy to report the hiatus has ended and I'm back to 'normal' (whatever that is)
Time is short today (early / afternoon lunch gig)
I'm performing for a disabled youngster (young 20's) who has limited mobility and loves magic.
I've been scratching my brain trying to think what I could show him (beyond some good magic) & I think I'm gonna suggest he try some phone apps... his mother mentioned how he likes technology and I think a disabled person (I think he has MS) could probably do something like iForce or Rising Cards (google either of those in the app store)
Anyway... the above gig has me short on time (I decided to redo my table top for today & the upcoming season of 'magishing')
Set list... hmmmm...
I haven't performed for awhile so, I'll probably KISS it:
Silk / Reel (untying)
Rubber Bands (it's a small party 12-15 people)
Inv Deck (or Unshuffled)
Unshuffled (or Inv Deck)
Cups and Balls
Regular deck (multiple selection with 8 ball, 3 & 1/2, Long Card and Card to Wallet)
and then I'd like to spend some time with the young man talking about what he can do with magic
(Ala' David Copperfields project magic)
So, that's my day and on that note, time to get too it!
See ya soon
Happy to report the hiatus has ended and I'm back to 'normal' (whatever that is)
Time is short today (early / afternoon lunch gig)
I'm performing for a disabled youngster (young 20's) who has limited mobility and loves magic.
I've been scratching my brain trying to think what I could show him (beyond some good magic) & I think I'm gonna suggest he try some phone apps... his mother mentioned how he likes technology and I think a disabled person (I think he has MS) could probably do something like iForce or Rising Cards (google either of those in the app store)
Anyway... the above gig has me short on time (I decided to redo my table top for today & the upcoming season of 'magishing')
Set list... hmmmm...
I haven't performed for awhile so, I'll probably KISS it:
Silk / Reel (untying)
Rubber Bands (it's a small party 12-15 people)
Inv Deck (or Unshuffled)
Unshuffled (or Inv Deck)
Cups and Balls
Regular deck (multiple selection with 8 ball, 3 & 1/2, Long Card and Card to Wallet)
and then I'd like to spend some time with the young man talking about what he can do with magic
(Ala' David Copperfields project magic)
So, that's my day and on that note, time to get too it!
See ya soon
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Just a head's up
I've taken a lil hiatus from the magi-grid (plogging, forums, vid viewing, etc)
These breaks are a necessity
never intentional or with mal intent
just taking a break
after 40 years of eating, drinking and sleeping magic
I've discovered from time to time, one needs a breather from the deep end
don't get me wrong, I still keep a pocket full of coins and a deck of cards by the bedside (and in the car) but I'm not actively learning, creating or devoting any real time or energy to the art
I find this allows me to return with renewed vigor each time 'it' happens
it's happening now, and I'll be back soon
so, that's wuzzup (in case anyone was curious)
see ya on the flip side
I've taken a lil hiatus from the magi-grid (plogging, forums, vid viewing, etc)
These breaks are a necessity
never intentional or with mal intent
just taking a break
after 40 years of eating, drinking and sleeping magic
I've discovered from time to time, one needs a breather from the deep end
don't get me wrong, I still keep a pocket full of coins and a deck of cards by the bedside (and in the car) but I'm not actively learning, creating or devoting any real time or energy to the art
I find this allows me to return with renewed vigor each time 'it' happens
it's happening now, and I'll be back soon
so, that's wuzzup (in case anyone was curious)
see ya on the flip side
Friday, February 14, 2014
Blue Crown / Red Sale!
Happy Valentines Day!
I was happy to see The Blue Crown "celebrating" the holiday with a sale on their Red Crown decks
These top notch packs (none better IMO) are normally $5.95
Today (2.14) thru Sunday (2/17/14)
The Red Crowns are only $2.14 a pack
If u haven't handled these beauties: NOW is the time
I have no connection / affiliation with this company, I just think they make good cards.
BTW: each pack includes an extra "special" card (a dupe or a dbl backer, etc) and you also recieve a free download that explains an effect to go with the pack
Why are you still reading this?
Click above & send TBC your $
(Note: shipping is a bit pricey; I'd order 6-12 decks to really get your $ worth)
Thursday, February 6, 2014
One of my "hobbies" is playing with new apps (it used to be called software: wonder what we'll be calling things in the next decade...?)
Anyway, I'm currently an iPhone user & so, this Info will be geared to that platform. I imagine the more popular apps will be available on other platforms (google / android, etc)
So anyway, just thought if mention a few apps I found that are useful &/or fun
First of all, is the Blogger app (for blog spot) that I'm using to thumbp this out.
It's simple, clean & robust
"Paper" is an interesting way to peruse Facebook. Check it out
"Magical Pad" is a useful app that combines mind maps and outlines (along with pictures , shapes & colors) to make organizing any project (a show, a routine, an effect) visually & memorable
"Grid" is another outline tool worth a look
Popograph is an incredible photo app that performs masking and tons of other edits formerly only available through high end software: check it out
All if these are free & all of them useful to the professional entertainer (and beyond)
While on the subject I'll (re)mention some other apps that I've talked about before ...
My favorite magi apps are
Iforce , Stacked Deck (men deck tool) and iPredict Max Krause Card Stats is another winner
Games: Fieldrunners (1&2) are atop the heap wit lots of close seconds
Most useful app is probably "Evernote" it's capabilities are awesome
Ok, nuff for now... Cya next time
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Mike Ammar live for a buck!
Vanishing inc Michael Ammar lecture
Only $1 to preview V-Inc's new online lecture format.
Tonight 2/5/14 @ 7pm est
Check it out
View it live or download it later (but ya must purchase today to get the deal price)
That's the news for today
Best wishes to all!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Card Carrier?
Recenty picked up one of these on clearance at Walmart & realized it'd be a great way to carry your cards (& your
Cell phone)
I'm sure you can find lotsa variants with extra pockets & such. Note: this clips on your belt which keeps your pocket free (of deck & phone & ?)
Something to consider
Keep your eyes open
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Hobb's Toolbox
If you like handling the paste-boards;
There's a great new resource being published by Stephen Hobbs (whose name you may have seen here, there & maybe everywhere...)
This is not really a beginner site and it's really recommended for the card enthusiast(and is password protected to keep the laity at bay)
I found it fun, enlightening and useful
and if Hobbs can keep it up, it's destined for a year long run (something new every Fri.)
I've already found a couple things that made me think... and I'm looking forward to more
I hope you find the same
There's a great new resource being published by Stephen Hobbs (whose name you may have seen here, there & maybe everywhere...)
This is not really a beginner site and it's really recommended for the card enthusiast(and is password protected to keep the laity at bay)
I found it fun, enlightening and useful
and if Hobbs can keep it up, it's destined for a year long run (something new every Fri.)
I've already found a couple things that made me think... and I'm looking forward to more
I hope you find the same
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Well, due to some of e-junkies limitations (in filesize & such) I'm switching to Shopify (an online shopping cart system) to start things off. I'll very likely return to e-junkie to distribute some specialty items (as I like their format VERY much) but for the time being, I need more space than 'options'
I'm working on some projects that will include video Shopify seems to fit my needs.
Just posting this brief to #1 thank everyone for testng e-junkie (and I hope you enjoy your freebies)
and that #2 there may be a short (as short as humanly possibly) delay as I learn and integrate my cart into this new system (it can't possibly be more challenging than the wordpress plugin I was using and hope this new system makes life easier for everyone involved in my world.)
Stay tuned to www.dougconn.com for some serious changes in the VERY near future (broken record much?) Aight, That's all for now and on that note, lots to get done...
off to it...
I'm working on some projects that will include video Shopify seems to fit my needs.
Just posting this brief to #1 thank everyone for testng e-junkie (and I hope you enjoy your freebies)
and that #2 there may be a short (as short as humanly possibly) delay as I learn and integrate my cart into this new system (it can't possibly be more challenging than the wordpress plugin I was using and hope this new system makes life easier for everyone involved in my world.)
Stay tuned to www.dougconn.com for some serious changes in the VERY near future (broken record much?) Aight, That's all for now and on that note, lots to get done...
off to it...
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Blizzard is a GREAT card trick from the mind of Dean Dill
I actually view it more of a utility device than an effect (think: Brainwave that ends with an examinable deck, etc) if you like magic and are not familiar with this wonderful secret, I HIGHLY recommend 2 place it on your 'must list'
I got both Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 for xmas and have done little more (in my free time) than play those games since xmas. (*usually my free time was spent improving my sleight of hand or magic knowledge)
Fortunately, I can always reflect on the words of John Lennon "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"
(and in the case of Starcraft 2, this is a brain battle that requires keen senses and creativity to win against the amazing online players: I LOVE playing real time strategy against other players and their new system includes a 'ladder' ranking that is awesome (plus the campaign, single player mode is simply incredible: no wonder this game took 5...count em: 5 years to develop, I purposely avoided buying it, because I knew I would be sucked in. I was right. Devils work I tell ya! I shall not stop, but I shall delegate time: I'd think 30 minutes of Diablo and 2-3 games of Starcraft per day (aprox an hour - 1 & 1/2 hours of gaming is plenty) Considering I don't really watch TV, I don't think that's too much 'wasted tme")
Jeez, I feel like I'm confessing my sins! But oh, the joy, just look at a couple of these screenshots, amazing
Starcraft 2 ^
It's starting to be an issue and thankfully, I'm now starting a new phase of life that will have me out of this house 5 days a week from 7:30-2:30 a..m. I'll be busy most of the time, but there will be stints when I'm not and I intend to use those stints to be magically productive. Time to administer some will power!
I mean really: I was rocking and rolling last year (with a couple lecture tours (one BIG One) and a couple convention appearances) I'd like to double that this year...This was scheduled to be MY year. So far, I've only wasted 1/2 of January (speaking of Blizzards, Ive also just started watching Game of Thrones ;) wow. So yeah, my free time slots are full
That's about to change :) and with my todo list: more lecturing, working the Magic Castle, developing a one man show, release 4-5 downloadable products by my own hand / self publishing and last but not least, working sans table on the streets of NOLA (Or whereever) I've also got a few 'secret' things in the works that should prove to be interesting. I've got LOTS to accomplish and more!
I got off to a rocky start, but I feel the change is coming (and as Warpo says "the Change will do me good" a hat / tip line when someone dumps change in your chapeau)
Keep your eyes peeled (or get Starcraft 2 and join me in battling! I'm "Connjure" (always :)
As I type the deck of cards at my side is beckoning, I shall now reach for my muse and bid you adieu
have a great day
I actually view it more of a utility device than an effect (think: Brainwave that ends with an examinable deck, etc) if you like magic and are not familiar with this wonderful secret, I HIGHLY recommend 2 place it on your 'must list'
Note: this is a freely named card and at the end, the deck is examinable
all Dill's stuff is great. His Coin Work is Stellar: I highly recommend the Extreme Dean DVD's
all Dill's stuff is great. His Coin Work is Stellar: I highly recommend the Extreme Dean DVD's
Blizzard is also a game developer that is akin to crack of the video game world.I got both Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 for xmas and have done little more (in my free time) than play those games since xmas. (*usually my free time was spent improving my sleight of hand or magic knowledge)
Fortunately, I can always reflect on the words of John Lennon "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"
(and in the case of Starcraft 2, this is a brain battle that requires keen senses and creativity to win against the amazing online players: I LOVE playing real time strategy against other players and their new system includes a 'ladder' ranking that is awesome (plus the campaign, single player mode is simply incredible: no wonder this game took 5...count em: 5 years to develop, I purposely avoided buying it, because I knew I would be sucked in. I was right. Devils work I tell ya! I shall not stop, but I shall delegate time: I'd think 30 minutes of Diablo and 2-3 games of Starcraft per day (aprox an hour - 1 & 1/2 hours of gaming is plenty) Considering I don't really watch TV, I don't think that's too much 'wasted tme")
Jeez, I feel like I'm confessing my sins! But oh, the joy, just look at a couple of these screenshots, amazing
Diablo 3 ^
It's starting to be an issue and thankfully, I'm now starting a new phase of life that will have me out of this house 5 days a week from 7:30-2:30 a..m. I'll be busy most of the time, but there will be stints when I'm not and I intend to use those stints to be magically productive. Time to administer some will power!
I mean really: I was rocking and rolling last year (with a couple lecture tours (one BIG One) and a couple convention appearances) I'd like to double that this year...This was scheduled to be MY year. So far, I've only wasted 1/2 of January (speaking of Blizzards, Ive also just started watching Game of Thrones ;) wow. So yeah, my free time slots are full
That's about to change :) and with my todo list: more lecturing, working the Magic Castle, developing a one man show, release 4-5 downloadable products by my own hand / self publishing and last but not least, working sans table on the streets of NOLA (Or whereever) I've also got a few 'secret' things in the works that should prove to be interesting. I've got LOTS to accomplish and more!
I got off to a rocky start, but I feel the change is coming (and as Warpo says "the Change will do me good" a hat / tip line when someone dumps change in your chapeau)
Keep your eyes peeled (or get Starcraft 2 and join me in battling! I'm "Connjure" (always :)
As I type the deck of cards at my side is beckoning, I shall now reach for my muse and bid you adieu
have a great day
Friday, January 17, 2014
Gracie Vote
My Granddaughter
Kaitlyn put her in a cutie contest, I'm doing the proper grand-pa thing and supporting her :)
next thing ya know, I'll be on Toddlers & Tiaras ;)!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Cart Beta (freebies to test, try & enjoy!)
This is a raw test of the ejunkie .pdf distribution system.
Eventually the (new) .pdf's will be stamped / personalized
Feel free to try a freebie
Connfidential 2.0

Marriage Notes!
Something old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue!
Okay, all for now, I'm anxious to have a test myself. Stay tuned, more to come!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
I'm giving EJunkie a try as my new shopping cart platform
It seems to have all the functions I need at a fair price.
And I CAN'T wait to have customized .pdfs available.
It's so flexible, so much so, I can post cart buttons in this blog
And so, I now give you a chance to test drive that function and receive a bonus.
The button below is a special "Connjuring" only button that is good for one Built to Last DVD and a complimentary set of Animal Farm (Spongology) bunnies. You get:
Shipping is Free
$50 is the total (free rabbits and shipping)

If you have ANY problems, questions or comments, please email me: connjure@gmail.com
the rest of my wares can be found on www.dougconn.com/shop/
more coming SOON
It seems to have all the functions I need at a fair price.
And I CAN'T wait to have customized .pdfs available.
It's so flexible, so much so, I can post cart buttons in this blog
And so, I now give you a chance to test drive that function and receive a bonus.
The button below is a special "Connjuring" only button that is good for one Built to Last DVD and a complimentary set of Animal Farm (Spongology) bunnies. You get:
Shipping is Free
$50 is the total (free rabbits and shipping)
If you have ANY problems, questions or comments, please email me: connjure@gmail.com
the rest of my wares can be found on www.dougconn.com/shop/
more coming SOON
Monday, January 13, 2014
So... I've been "off the grid" (unintentionally)
and have a lot of catching up to do...
so... instead of writing a blog, I'm gonna suggest you read someone else'
I know I've mentioned Niko / Magician On a Motorcycle before
well, I'm gonna do it again. He's a rising star in our field and deserves extra / double notice
His Website:
Here's his current blog:
*N is a great writer and I'm sure you'll enjoy his prose
and/or Maybe take a look at his Facebook:
If you happen to be visiting NOLA, be sure to stroll up Royal and maybe into Jackson square where you might be lucky nuff to find Niko performing his unique brand of prestidigitation. I , for one, love his style and enjoy the breath of fresh air he brings to the art.
Open thanks to Niko the M.O.M. (Magician On Motorcycle)
aight, I've now written enough to make this a regular post
I've got a shopping cart to fix... off to work,
and have a lot of catching up to do...
so... instead of writing a blog, I'm gonna suggest you read someone else'
I know I've mentioned Niko / Magician On a Motorcycle before
well, I'm gonna do it again. He's a rising star in our field and deserves extra / double notice
His Website:
Here's his current blog:
*N is a great writer and I'm sure you'll enjoy his prose
and/or Maybe take a look at his Facebook:
If you happen to be visiting NOLA, be sure to stroll up Royal and maybe into Jackson square where you might be lucky nuff to find Niko performing his unique brand of prestidigitation. I , for one, love his style and enjoy the breath of fresh air he brings to the art.
Open thanks to Niko the M.O.M. (Magician On Motorcycle)
aight, I've now written enough to make this a regular post
I've got a shopping cart to fix... off to work,
Friday, January 10, 2014
Connjuring Sale: BTL , Bunnies, PS & Free Shipping ($90 retail only $50)
Hey Folks,
Well, I just noticed my shopping cart is down (I guess the recent upgrade to my system K.O. d it)
anyway, I'm trying to switch to Shopify and soon that will all be a bad memory
I need a quick boost to the bank account,
so, I'm gonna offer a nice lil package here
BTL DVD Set (2 disks 20+ routines / 3 1/2 hous)
Learn more here: http://www.trcky.com/built-to-last.html
This Set has received strong reviews and retails for $50
I'm offering this with free shipping and if you order within 24 hours (before Sat @ 5 pm)
I'll include TWO Free sets of my new "Spongology" bunnies (these are featured on the disks: well, I scrapped using the old Adams rabbits and had Goshman craft some Ultrasoft sponges that are nice, big, soft and just perfect for this routine) @ $10 each, that's a $20 freebie
Last but not least, I have a few "Plastic Surgery" packets and I'll toss in one as an ueber bonus
this is soon slated to be a DVD: I'll include access to online video instructions
get the jump and start performing the awesome underground routine before it goes mass market
Ok, so that doesn't suck
and... while I'm at: why not: I'll include
So, that's 2 DVD's (the Built to Last Set) Two Bunny Packages (6 adults 16 babies) and a GREAT monte packet trick that will fool anyone
I'm only going to sell 3-4 of these packages (I just need to catch up on a phone and internet bill)
so it's first come first served (and you'll be helping a kindred spirit whose a bit down and out
Please paypal $50 to reserve a set
Connjure@gmail.com (is my paypal addy)
Any orders received today will ship tomorrow.
*If you're interested, I also have the Pinky Swear Project DVD (Pinky Count and Pass combo vid with technique and six effects) These Retail for $15 ( so that'd be $65 for everything)
or if you just want the PS DVD, it's $15 alone and I'll be charging shipping if you just order that, so, $18 total
Okay, that's enough sales blabber... I'm hurting my eyes be reading it
Thanks for listening/reading.... & if you can help a brother out (and get a GREAT Deal at the same time)
I'd most appreciate it.
Doug Conn
Well, I just noticed my shopping cart is down (I guess the recent upgrade to my system K.O. d it)
anyway, I'm trying to switch to Shopify and soon that will all be a bad memory
I need a quick boost to the bank account,
so, I'm gonna offer a nice lil package here
BTL DVD Set (2 disks 20+ routines / 3 1/2 hous)
Learn more here: http://www.trcky.com/built-to-last.html
This Set has received strong reviews and retails for $50
I'm offering this with free shipping and if you order within 24 hours (before Sat @ 5 pm)
I'll include TWO Free sets of my new "Spongology" bunnies (these are featured on the disks: well, I scrapped using the old Adams rabbits and had Goshman craft some Ultrasoft sponges that are nice, big, soft and just perfect for this routine) @ $10 each, that's a $20 freebie
Last but not least, I have a few "Plastic Surgery" packets and I'll toss in one as an ueber bonus
this is soon slated to be a DVD: I'll include access to online video instructions
get the jump and start performing the awesome underground routine before it goes mass market
Ok, so that doesn't suck
and... while I'm at: why not: I'll include
So, that's 2 DVD's (the Built to Last Set) Two Bunny Packages (6 adults 16 babies) and a GREAT monte packet trick that will fool anyone
I'm only going to sell 3-4 of these packages (I just need to catch up on a phone and internet bill)
so it's first come first served (and you'll be helping a kindred spirit whose a bit down and out
Please paypal $50 to reserve a set
Connjure@gmail.com (is my paypal addy)
Any orders received today will ship tomorrow.
*If you're interested, I also have the Pinky Swear Project DVD (Pinky Count and Pass combo vid with technique and six effects) These Retail for $15 ( so that'd be $65 for everything)
or if you just want the PS DVD, it's $15 alone and I'll be charging shipping if you just order that, so, $18 total
Okay, that's enough sales blabber... I'm hurting my eyes be reading it
Thanks for listening/reading.... & if you can help a brother out (and get a GREAT Deal at the same time)
I'd most appreciate it.
Doug Conn
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Nothing (to Hide)
Open Congrats to Derek Delgaudio (2011 & 2012 Close-up Magician of the Year) and Helder Guimarães (2011 & 2012 Parlor Magician of the Year) whose "Nothing to Hide" has broken the $1,000,000 mark in ticket sales
This is amazing when you consider the theatre seats less than 200 (more like 120) and the props are nothing more than a few decks of cards for the most part.
Skill and Charisma go a long way :)
They've taken this (Neil Patrick Harris directed) card/close-up show from LA to NY and it looks like the only thing to stop them is their will to do so. I'm thinking Chicago (and NOLA) need to see this sleight of hand exstravaganza
Learn more about this astounding run here:
Congrats Gents
Funny I should just cross this inspirational story as I was reading their Magic Magazine cover article (From late last year) last night while having some 'me' time...
I hope this thing gets recorded for posterity and that one day I get to see their production.
In the interim, thanks for the inspiration.
This is amazing when you consider the theatre seats less than 200 (more like 120) and the props are nothing more than a few decks of cards for the most part.
Skill and Charisma go a long way :)
They've taken this (Neil Patrick Harris directed) card/close-up show from LA to NY and it looks like the only thing to stop them is their will to do so. I'm thinking Chicago (and NOLA) need to see this sleight of hand exstravaganza
Learn more about this astounding run here:
Congrats Gents
Funny I should just cross this inspirational story as I was reading their Magic Magazine cover article (From late last year) last night while having some 'me' time...
I hope this thing gets recorded for posterity and that one day I get to see their production.
In the interim, thanks for the inspiration.
Monday, January 6, 2014
My "New" years things I'd like to accomplish (because I can't 'resolve' to do anything)
#1 quit doing the same old tricks: break the mold and shake things up a bit
#2 put some of this (and some of that) into a one man show: at least 50 minutes
#3 NEW shopping cart
#4 NEW products
#5 NEW (and LOTS more) online videos
#6 NEW Tricks (time to release the inner beast and be an artist again: lets get creative)
#7 NEW outlook: Eliminate the negative!
On that note...
#1 quit doing the same old tricks: break the mold and shake things up a bit
#2 put some of this (and some of that) into a one man show: at least 50 minutes
#3 NEW shopping cart
#4 NEW products
#5 NEW (and LOTS more) online videos
#6 NEW Tricks (time to release the inner beast and be an artist again: lets get creative)
#7 NEW outlook: Eliminate the negative!
On that note...
Saturday, January 4, 2014
... is the name of Bo Burnham's
Performance Extravaganza (comedy?) currently being shown live across the world
(and as luck would have it: on Netflix)
I was instantly hooked by the ingenious first few minutes
Performance Extravaganza (comedy?) currently being shown live across the world
(and as luck would have it: on Netflix)
I was instantly hooked by the ingenious first few minutes
A lil Bo On YouTube
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Wishing ya the best during these holidays and into the new year.
I might be on break for a bit (or might not)
Not feeling very magical right now.
I'll spare ya the details, I think it boils down to: I'm sick and a bit depressed
(holiday dulldrums?)
But, I wish the best for you and yours.
for reals
I might be on break for a bit (or might not)
Not feeling very magical right now.
I'll spare ya the details, I think it boils down to: I'm sick and a bit depressed
(holiday dulldrums?)
But, I wish the best for you and yours.
for reals
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