Blizzard is a GREAT card trick from the mind of Dean Dill
I actually view it more of a utility device than an effect (think: Brainwave that ends with an examinable deck, etc) if you like magic and are not familiar with this wonderful secret, I HIGHLY recommend 2 place it on your 'must list'
Note: this is a freely named card and at the end, the deck is examinable
all Dill's stuff is great. His Coin Work is Stellar: I highly recommend the Extreme Dean DVD's
Blizzard is also a game developer that is akin to crack of the video game world.
I got both
Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 for xmas and have done little more (in my free time) than play those games since xmas. (*usually my free time was spent improving my sleight of hand or magic knowledge)
Fortunately, I can always reflect on the words of John Lennon "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"
(and in the case of Starcraft 2, this is a brain battle that requires keen senses and creativity to win against the amazing online players: I LOVE playing real time strategy against other players and their new system includes a 'ladder' ranking that is awesome (plus the campaign, single player mode is simply incredible: no wonder this game took 5...count em: 5 years to develop, I purposely avoided buying it, because I knew I would be sucked in. I was right. Devils work I tell ya! I shall not stop, but I shall delegate time: I'd think 30 minutes of Diablo and 2-3 games of Starcraft per day (aprox an hour - 1 & 1/2 hours of gaming is plenty) Considering I don't really watch TV, I don't think that's too much 'wasted tme")
Jeez, I feel like I'm confessing my sins! But oh, the joy, just look at a couple of these screenshots, amazing
Diablo 3 ^
Starcraft 2 ^
It's starting to be an issue and thankfully, I'm now starting a new phase of life that will have me out of this house 5 days a week from 7:30-2:30 a..m. I'll be busy most of the time, but there will be stints when I'm not and I intend to use those stints to be magically productive. Time to administer some will power!
I mean really: I was rocking and rolling last year (with a couple lecture tours (one BIG One) and a couple convention appearances) I'd like to double that this year...This was scheduled to be MY year. So far, I've only wasted 1/2 of January (speaking of Blizzards, Ive also just started watching Game of Thrones ;) wow. So yeah, my free time slots are full
That's about to change :) and with my todo list:
more lecturing, working the Magic Castle, developing a one man show, release 4-5 downloadable products by my own hand / self publishing and last but not least, working sans table on the streets of NOLA (Or whereever) I've also got a few 'secret' things in the works that should prove to be interesting. I've got LOTS to accomplish and more!
I got off to a rocky start, but I feel the change is coming (and as Warpo says "
the Change will do me good" a hat / tip line when someone dumps change in your chapeau)
Keep your eyes peeled (or get Starcraft 2 and join me in battling! I'm "Connjure" (always :)
As I type the deck of cards at my side is beckoning, I shall now reach for my muse and bid you adieu
have a great day