Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Video killed the Radio Man

This post will feature a few of the magi-net-casts I enjoy watching.

Lets see... we'll start with

The Wizard Product Review
These guys have been going strong for awhile, with hundreds of reviews/episodes.
They're based in the UK, specifically in/out of the 'World Magic Store' and as such, I have to believe their reviews are a bit biased on the magic-store side of things... regardless, the show is fun & informative.
Their YouTube channel consists of both the latest product videos, as well as their "Wizard Product Review" show. You can check out both here:

Regarding reviews (and more) on this side of the pond, I highly recommend Luke Dancy & his "Magic Marketplace" you'll find Luke's broadcast over at
This wonderful site not only hosts the review show, but also has (free!) online lectures  (**and some really good ones at that  (Aaron Fisher, Caleb Wiles, Jamie Dawes and more.)
The Magic Session is also home to an online video jam site that is loads of fun (think Skype for magi)
Members only... and you could do worse things with your time than become a member.

Here's a few more: is home to cutting edge close-up, cardistry & more.
They have featured artists, member videos & their new 'wire' gives up and coming 'artists' a chance to showcase original material. *the jury is still out as to whether or not 'the wire' is a good thing... I for one, find it worthwhile to lookin on (but haven't purchased anything.)

Dan & Dave Buck continue to stay on top of what's new & hot in card magic (and more) and they have a buttload of video covering both the basics and the latest... here's linkage to both: is the section of their site that covers the basics of card handling. You'll find all the basics there. Their store is home to some both great magic & accessories.

and last but not least
If I'm ever bored... I need do little more than type in 'Magic... ' (Followed by any genre) to discover an insane variety of video-clips. There's a few guys I subscribe too... you'll find your faves, here's one of mine

Jack Carpenter: he has dozens of clips & uploads regularly.
I'm sure I'll have more video suggestions to post in the near future...
 but this should be enough to keep you busy for awhile.

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