Sunday, June 30, 2013

Misc Goods

For the card aficionado (card stuffs that were new to me)

Lots of cool pasteboard products
Love the shirts 


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Magi Class

I've been using a minimal # of initials to describe posts

I thought it was quaint and would create interest in the conn-tent :)
(yes, I will conn-tinue to use my last name as much as conn-cievable...)

anyway, I'm switching to a normal titling system which if nothing else, makes things easier for me to review
(and honestly, while I hope some of you find this info useful, I'm really just posting for me... this is a good way to have mental recall of the misc materials I run across on the interwebs and sunch)

nothing else to really post today, so, I'll just re-reccomend that, you visit www.dougconn.comI've recently posted some new items on the magi-class including an ebook that was limited release  is the direct link to the magi-class. The password is: marlo

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Rostrami finally wised up & started charging what his products are actually worth
Telefoto is his latest release 
@ 29.99 it can't be worse than any other
$30 crap I bought in my magi life
You should have iforce & ipredict
(The telekinesis app.. Well : 2 outta 3 ain't bad
This one looks like a winner
Specially if it doesn't appear to use your phone


Tuesday, June 25, 2013


This should be a hoot

"Big Show Busker Weekend"

A busking homecoming back to the shores of Cinn OH July 12-14 ;)

Hope to see some of ya there!!/events/447155512058248?__user=1634724823

Saturday, June 22, 2013


HEX-nut that is
in the near future, I predict you will all be searching for the 1" stainless steel version

well... here ya go, they're about $2.70 per (and about $6 shipping)
Heh, yep: Bolt Depot is a thing :)

Some of you readers may be familiar with Gioavanni Liverra's work
(*look for and snatch up any copies of "Confessions of an Italian Magician" you may find)
or perhaps you have Green Magic 5 (go dust off those VHS tapes)

This trick is about to be real popular.

Thank me later

or... just assume I'm

Friday, June 21, 2013


1st page of google
"Magicians in New Orleans" being my key search phrase (there are others)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Is key for mordern magi hoping to get noticed on the web.

There's lots of "top 7" or "top 10" SEO Tip lists... I feel if most magi follow these , you'll be ahead of the game

But you can take this as far down the rabbit hole as you'd like

Have fun with the challenge!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


So, uh
The Phoenix Parlor Deck is AWESOME!

I don't know why I'm telling you this...
I assume most magi will happily maintain their mediocre ways & not giving a rats poop about obtaining tools that could make their magic stronger. Go ahead, stay a step behind me ;) 

The Phoenix Parlor Deck is one of those tools. It's bigger, but not too big. I'm guessing  90% of your standard card sleights could be done with this deck.
And the fact it's (Lesley) Marked ON ALL FOUR CORNERS means you can do material requiring little/no manip at all. 

I'm planning on using it for stack work & hope the bigger cards will be a bit easier (for my audience) to see.

If this were an official review, I'd say:
Highly Reccomended

 Check Em out;

Now get a pack (or 3;)

Ces Bon!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Us magi sometimes need to do a bit of arts & craft work & often these projects include a glue stick (Marlo's "Female." drool.) 

Well, I'm here to tell ya, they've built a better glue stick. Check out this thing;
This "roller thing" can be found on the shelves of Walmart & Office Depot, etc. It delivers a perfect amount of double sided tack to the surface upon which its applied. For $2, it's hard to say no. And if you don't find it handy; Someone in your house will use it.

Thank me later

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Fathers Day Cards

I found these on the $1 discount rack at Wal Mart tonight

White Backed "Nordica"
Golden Dragon Back

Made by the USPC Company:
Both are purty and handle like butter.
Good luck finding some deals!


So... this is happening:


Looks at the talent and the shows
Tonight on the same stage: Burton and King

Close-up show with: Williamson, Mead and Long

Methinks Many "National magic cons could take notes
This is the way you rep your Artform.

More please

Friday, June 14, 2013


I'm sure I've mentioned this before
I feel it's worth repeating (and perhaps I'm wrong about the above)
There's a wonderful (& FREE) E-Zine that comes out of New Zealand  (sign up and have some extra stuffs to read once a week)

He's on issued 1027 (WOW!)
It's often trivial but the % that is good... is often great.

Today was wonderful, I got to view a clip of the Great Blackstone Sr.
It's a wonderful example of how to perform magic medicorately
(but you do get to see him produce a lil donkey (a donkey!) and his dancing hank & buzzsaw)
& he smacks his assistant around... It's wonderfully poor.(especially the finish piece with the jumping ball / paddle trick.. yikes) Don't get me wrong. I really disliked this. Especially the 'classic' handkerchief that was completley overacted.

Here: so you don't have to search, to see this master:

Is it just me?
Perhaps I just awoke on the wrong side of the bed today?
I'd love to see some footage of Kellar to compare this with... (ah to dream)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Well, well

I think I've just watched one of the best live stage performances of all time.
Here... enjoy. I want this to appear on my ceiling as a visual alarm clock.

Amazing (yes, there is magic in the clip ;)

Thank you Mr. Harris. Thank You

Monday, June 10, 2013


First of all; I love Vans shoes

The day I discovered I could pull off their casual sneaker as a formal shoe was life changing!

But this post is about Vanishing Inc (a wonderful company who stocks top notch stuff)
Specifically their iPhone app which they've finally update ld (to a version #4)
It can't be worse than the former & for this I thank them!

So: Search Vanishing Inc on your fave App platform (just cause I care!)

Thursday, June 6, 2013


note to self:

this is what a 'real' worker's website looks like

Note to others:
Giovanni Livera is the man 

Just take a minute and look at his clips

One guy.


PS: do you have salt and silver yet? no? good!

100! (and 25?)


We've reached 100 likes on the fan page (woot!)
There will be a CONNTEST winner!
but don't let that stop ya... there's still time:
I'm giving everyone interested 24 hours to get their click in before Emily (Conn my 12 y/o) picks a winner

Someone will be winning $50 worth of Magi-Schwag at aprox 11 central tomorrow a.m.
Def Deck/Dim Returns, Pinky swear DVD and the Connspiracy Notes! Wow!

Conntest #2, "the 25 more " contest is still going on....
My goal was to get 25 more people to signup for my mailing list
We're at 11 and need 14 more at which point I'll give away a free Pinky Swear Download from

all you need to do to enter is go to and fill out your first name and email
(sidebars or page bottom)
I'll send you mail about once every other month
and promise to never ever, ever, even if someone dares me cause I 'm a sucker for a dare
I will never give your info out.

I also promise to deliver as much good news as I do sales crap
for example: tomorrow a.m. right after Emmy draws the contest winners,
I'll be sending out a batch of mails with a free / new (self-working! yes, me, self-working) card trick!
It's a fun fooler

aight now quit reading and go sign up already!
and.... THANKS!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


So, I'm pretty happy with the WordPress version of  It's not done, nor perfect, but I'm getting closer every day.
One thing that I'd like to see get  a lil more action is my newsletter sign ups....
I have ALOT of interesting things in the pipeline and would love to share the news with my fellow magi. If you're interested in my magic or if you just wanna try and win a freebie (you can always unsubscribe) Just take a second and visit the site and enter your email in the side column on the right hand side:  you'll see a section that says "Conn's News" and below that a spot to enter your name and email  (5 seconds and you're done)

Here's the CONTEST: Once I've reached 25 new names & subscribers, I'll be giving aways a FREE download of my Pinky Swear project (45 minutes, detailed instruction on the pass and pinky count and 6 routines plus more) The winner will come from the new signups. I'll wait a week to see what happens and then I'll do the giveaway. If I don't reach my goal, I'll still be giving away a download to some lucky subscriber. Take a chance, cant hurt.

Note: for every 25 sign-ups I get, I'll add another freebie (up to 3)
This gives everyone at least a 1-25 chance of winning a $10 product

I'd be most honored if you'd share this news, but at the very least, just take a sec and put your john hancock down.


PS: feel free to check out the 'shop' and pick up the hot new "Built  To Last" DVD set
I'm sending out fun freebies to everyone who buys it...
so, not only will you get a great package of awesome material,
you'll get bonuses (ebooks)
and free shipping!

don't be the last magi on your block to get this most awesome set
NOW is this time

damn, this is like the longest most rambling PS in history

Click the pic:

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

on the lam

another good find at the evil wally world
these self laminating pouches come five to a pack for about two bucks
they are a bit big for a playing card but a quick snip with the scissor and the excess is gone

they probably have these at office depot and other supply warehouses
i just happened upon the thing at walmart
in general i think of that place as hellish and hate to reccomend shopping there
so perhaps search online or something

Methinks its a good find and one that can save your precious "gag" or special pasteboards from wear and tear of the real world use

get one  thank me later (please someeone let me know these random tips are not falling on deaf ears  though if they are: so beit> my goal in writing these things down are not just to share it with the fellow magi but also to make a record of the thing for my own faulty memory)

ok blabber blabber blab
nuff for now
(and my keyboard is f"n up)
i"m gonna go practice something secret
(i"d like to review and tell you what but it"s so good: i"m keeping this nugget for myself)


Well, Well

America's Got Talent returns tonight!

It's a guilty pleasure that most of my colleagues look down upon

I understand. 90 seconds - 3 minutes is in no, way, shape or form long enough for proper character development

AND i don"t care
its like variety potato chips and i enjoy every bite
my summer has been made
my depression has been lifted

Howie Howard and now HEIDI!!!! WOOT
how can you go wrong? (well you could hire a spice girl but i digress> there"s no accounting for good taste!)

tune in tues (and i think wed) nights on nbc

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Yes, this is happening... they'll be ready for the August-Sept  lecture tour (if not sooner)

We've been testing different designs, sizes and sponges and are about to go to press
If you have any questions, comments, touches or tips, NOW is the time to send them my way
write me: connjure AT 

Click below for full size pic

6/20/13 Update: The Dies are in production, the sponge cutting begins SOON