Friday, October 26, 2012

Magic Weak

Okay, so, it's National Magic Week!!!
I wonder if anyone other than magic geeks know this?

I'm not one to get excited or involved in any fill in the blank 'weeks' but, this one is close to my heart (and my livelihood; but more importantly, my heart / my soul.) So much so, that apparently, I had a rant in me... a rant that I guess I needed to put onto this virtual paper... 10 minutes later, I've scrolled up to warn you... leave now. Stop reading and continue on in your bliss.
As I think about this 'magic week' I think about the status  of our art form and how , in general, it is met with 'disdain' by Joe-Q-public. Okay, disdain might be the wrong word... maybe 'preconceived notions' is the term I'm looking for.

"Oh, you'd be great for my kids birthday"
"Oh, my uncle joe does magic"
"Oh I have a gun in the closet, would you like to shoot yourself in the face?"

As the 'extremists' come onto the scene (Angel, Blaine, Dynamo) we're moving somewhat in the right direction (but maybe too far in the left direction?) I know this: I'm sick of being keyholed as a 'magic clown' the instant someone hears I'm a magician... but I also don't want them thinking I can't speak properly and spend all day hanging by hooks and wires (is it that hard to find a good middle ground?)

BTW, if you'd like a good example of what I consider honourable / good magic, find a copy of the recent Steve Cohen magic special that was on the History Channel "Magic Decoded". Watch that. Steve & Co did a fantastic job of presenting our art with style and grace. I urge you to strive to do the same.

In related news" I was listening to a Jamy Swiss interview (on the always awesome Magic Newswire In this interview he talks about our responsibility... and... it's pretty simple: DO GOOD MAGIC.


So, if you're gonna participate in some sort of festivities this "magic week" ... Please, PLEASE don't be 'weak' DO GOOD MAGIC. It will be harder than average: You will have to commit extra time and energy to your magic / performance. Ultimately, you will benefit... your audience will benefit (heck, even I will benefit!)

Don't be 'weak' DO GOOD MAGIC! (and yo don't be a douchebag... I'm thinking of one person in particular; a person I've never met in person, so if I know you, chances are it's not you I'm talking bout.) Sadly ignorance is bliss and, as such, most douchebags won't/don't realise they are one. These folks need help. So, if/when you see one in action: please let them know bout their doucheyness. Our art attracts some of the worst forms of humanity.... fortunately, it also attracts some of the best. Please strive to be the latter. DO GOOD MAGIC! (and don't be a douche)

Btw, if you're curious, I'm committing 30 minutes of my time to do a charity show at local church function this weekend (hopefully, they'll let me remain an agnostic! ;)
I hope to do good magic and maybe change a few minds about what our art can be & Maybe I'll get lucky and book a birthday or two... ... ...
at a house with a gun in the closet!

Happy Magic Weak!

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